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主题:富士康涨工资了:三成 -- mandman
Foxconn raises worker pay by 30 pct after suicide
By ANNIE HUANG, Associated Press Writer Annie Huang, Associated Press Writer – Wed Jun 2, 5:17 am ET
TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group, shaken by a spate of suicides at its China plants, said Wednesday it is raising the pay of workers by 30 percent, a greater increase than first planned.
The company, which makes iPhones, iPads and other electronic gadgets, said the pay increase will take effect immediately at its plants across China.
"With the pay raise, we hope workers don't need to work overtime as much and thus gain more time for leisure and have a happier working environment," said a Foxconn official who asked for anonymity because he was not an authorized spokesman.
"It may also help cut the turnover rate and raise productivity and product quality level," he said.
The basic salary at Foxconn's China plants is currently about 900 yuan ($130) per month.
Foxconn had been considering raising pay for months to cope with a labor shortage following China's recovery from the global recession. The eventual raise is higher than the 20 percent the company had initially planned.
2010年06月03日00:11 新华网
新华网深圳6月2日电(记者 王传真)富士康科技集团2日对外发布了基层员工全体加薪的消息。
作业员由原来的900元/月(就是深圳的最低工资标准)调升到1200元/月;作业员月薪高于900元者,上调升幅度不得低于30%;线长、组长在现有薪资标准基础上调升 30%以上;其他职等员工,薪资调整方案近期另案公告。
苹果,戴尔,hp等其他厂商 的加工费应该是提高了,所以打脸还需更多证据
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