
主题:看到钓鱼岛事件视频的一点想法 -- 冰排冻骨

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家园 今上这个座位可不是喊喊口号站好队就能坐上去

上去的都是经过中国官场千锤百炼才坐上的 坐这个座位的难度远非西方能比。

家园 不知道LZ有没有看过这个


家园 印度境内的水资源并不完全靠这条江


家园 国内新闻地址来了




家园 没这么夸张,而且藏木电站算小的了




家园 上游国家不能把水都截留的



家园 能不能截水要看三哥的表现啊


家园 印度网民的反应很欢乐


those are old statments.... nothing newBy: Peter | Thursday , 18 Nov '10 16:46:31 PM Reply | Forward Wasnt this coming.. For yrs our govt kept blind eye of anything china does on border - like ostrich bury his head in the sand and feeling no one is seeing it. This was warned and warned again but still, the same goes to Chinese bunkers, their intrusion in our land and bribing people and policemen along the border (the same they did to invade Tibet in 14 days bloody war killing innocent people in Tibet). I have no clues as to how long we can tolerat the arrogance.. for china there are hard core given statements which are published by commies: 1. our policy hasnt changed since last we talk or since last decade 2.. China is a responsible state.. We know how china is responsble, by stealing water from Vietnam and other country to build massive power station while 1000 die for water and their land in neighboring country gets arid...

Chinese company 'hijacked' U.S. web trafficBy: rajkumar | Thursday , 18 Nov '10 13:31:59 PM Reply | Forward I read with horror how china telecom recently diverted all web traffic from US to China telecom servers for 20 minutes. This is a country that aspires to be a super power. India should do the following; 1. Build India to be more powerful than China. That means all Indians are wealthy. 2. Eliminate corruption in India. 3. Build our armed forces, airforce, navy , space wepons with new hi-tech 4. Build great bridges with countries in the region , EU and North America.

Construction of Dams in BRAHMAPUTRABy: Tapir Gao | Thursday , 18 Nov '10 13:22:52 PM Reply | Forward India and China both are the developing power of Asia, the so call super power of present world are going to depend in India and China as their market. both the country should not create any such situation, where both country shall be exploited by them. Therefore construction of Dams in Tsangpho should be in such a way ,where Its doesn't attract Indian objections,specially, water diversion shouldn't take, place...otherwise is shall be the beginning of Indo-China war.

shameBy: sundar | Thursday , 18 Nov '10 12:07:45 PM Reply | Forward nehru said china has taken land where no grass grow. sonia will say india will not be affected by floods since no water will come to india. shame on congress. shame on indians (who voted congress)

China is too shrewdBy: tej | Thursday , 18 Nov '10 11:14:35 AM Reply | Forward Yeah ! they should be stopped...cant trust them !!

Weak India can't do anything against Strong China!By: Indhea | Thursday , 18 Nov '10 10:44:36 AM Reply | Forward It is shame to say that weak India can't do anything against China. China starts this project as flood control andd Hydel power purpose to complete the project. Also they mentioned as not going to cut the water. Once completed it, they will start diverting this water for irrigation. So we will lose our share. Even if India raise any concern, it never bother about as usual. Further needed, China will bribe to Indian Government (Cong ) and keep continuing the project. Selling the Country is not new for them. Also Chinese agents (Communist) be very quite... What is ther say on this? Only BJP may raise some voice, Govt treat them as street dogs as usual.

家园 管他个球肾,丫在恒河筑坝,吊过孟加拉的死活么?这叫报应

家园 不能都截流,也不能都不截流。


家园 记得评书《哈尔滨保卫战》里面说过




家园 松下政经塾出身的都这样


家园 都白流了这么多千年,还是稍微截一下吧哈哈
家园 对头,土共非常擅长搞若干期工程
家园 这个截流非断流。


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