
主题:【原创】欣喜看重四之一:整体座舱盖与一反苏俄传统的人性化 -- TopGun

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家园 看到那个电视新闻了,真够惨的了
家园 有些人就是翻来覆去的说论点,想偏执狂一样,


家园 据说 平显 是有纠正功能的

话说这个透镜问题 其实不是啥大事 格斗弹 机炮瞄准 通过平显的纠正功能都能解决 肉眼观察只是了解一下大致的战场态势

家园 网上关于F-22整体座舱的一点描述





The F-22's canopy is approximately 140 inches long, 45 inches wide, 27 inches tall, and weighs approximately 360 pounds. It is a rotate/translate design, which means that it comes down, slides forward, and locks in place with pins. It is a much more complex piece of equipment than it would appear to be.

F-22整体座舱盖长140英寸,宽45英寸,27英寸高。它是一种旋转/平移式设计,意思是它先向下然后向前滑移,最后 用销子上锁。它的复杂性远比表面看起来高。

The F-22 canopy's transparency (made by Sierracin) features the largest piece of monolithic polycarbonate material being formed today. It has no canopy bow and offers the pilot superior optics (Zone 1 quality) throughout (not just in the area near the HUD) and it offers the requisite stealth features.

F-22座舱盖是Sierracin(现PPG公司兼并)公司制造,是当今最大的单片聚碳酸酯材料成型部件。整体式,没有弓形框,整个视野1区(不仅是HUD(Head Up Display)附近)的光学性能极佳。具备隐身标准要求。

The canopy is resistant to chemical/biological and environmental agents, and has been successfully tested to withstand the impact of a four-pound bird at 350 knots. It also protects the pilot from lightning strikes.


The 3/4" polycarbonate transparency is actually made of two 3/8" thick sheets that are heated and fusion bonded (the sheets actually meld to become a single-piece article) and then drape forged. The F-16's canopy, for comparison, is made up of laminated sheets. A laminated canopy generally offers better birdstrike protection, and because of the lower altitude where the F-16 operates, this is an advantage. However, lamination also adds weight as well as reduced optics.


There is no chance of a post-ejection canopy-seat-pilot collision as the canopy (with frame) weighs slightly more on one side than the other. When the canopy is jettisoned, the weight differential is enough to make it slice nearly ninety degrees to the right as it clears the aircraft.


In testing so far, the cockpit canopy has fallen far short of its service life requirement according to DOT&E.


注1/ 看过罗-罗发动机鸟击录像,记得是用冻鸡代替鸟,发射到发动机风扇叶片上的。这里有个Youtube,发动机鸟击试验。


注2/ 个人理解,整体座舱的隐身性能,应该是一种特殊的表面涂层提供的,而不是聚碳酸酯材料本身的性能。座舱盖抗化学/生物/环境物质的能力一定是有限的,相对的,或者说,是很低的。可以想象一下,F-22在飞沙走石的沙漠机场起降几次后,还能隐身不?

关键词(Tags): #F-22#整体座舱盖#飞机
家园 老大,简易手抓饭的方子再哪里?


家园 老同志不应该啊



家园 这么贵个发动机一只鸡就废了

家园 好像记得这个笑话,用冻鸡来试验,耐撞性能过不了关。
家园 鸡肉稍冻一下好切嘛!
家园 是真的,叫chicken-gun


家园 有意思,globalsecurity.org 少一句

wiki 上还有一句



A coating of iridium-tin oxide gives the canopy a gold color and is used to reflect radar waves away from the inside of the cockpit.[6]

而且F-16 也是类似涂层

Polycarbonate laminate canopy transparencies with the new coating system passed stringent requirements for bird impact, optical performance and environmental durability, according to Brent Wright, PPG Aerospace platform business manager for military transparencies.

“PPG expects the new S-406 inner and S-220 outer coatings will offer F-16 jet operators canopy transparencies with greater durability and affordability,” Wright said.

The new system is available on PPG canopy transparencies in clear and reflective indium tin oxide (ITO) configurations, he said. PPG Aerospace produces the forward and aft canopy transparencies for F-16 A/B/C/D configurations at its Sylmar, Calif., USA, facility.

The original YF-16 prototype performed its first flight in 1974 equipped with transparencies by Sierracin/Sylmar Corp., and the company has produced them since. PPG acquired Sierracin/Sylmar in 2006.

家园 高铁也干过
家园 哈哈,是不是f22的座舱和包皮害怕飞沙走石所以很少在航展


家园 在Discovery中发现正好相反


家园 座舱盖上的框可能真不是很重要


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