
主题:【整理】中缅边境记事 -- 从北苑到太古

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家园 在热带丛林里一个半小时走五公里只有一种可能


家园 呵呵,再查下去,发现原来老缅也让穆斯林折腾的不善



家园 文革的时候有个纱甸事件,张承志的心灵史中有关于云南门宦的


家园 那他就更不可能知道跟军队有关的真实情况了




家园 one possibility

sorry, i can't type chinese.

i think there is probably some sort of road/trail in the forest to connect the camp to the outside world.to build a training camp, it needs lots of material & equipment. to maintain the camp & train people, it also requires lots of supplies & need to transport the people from outside to the camp.

the article also mentions "发现美国武装人员,从中方计划撤退的线路上正在向营地快速逼近". if they moved quickly in the forest, probably they were using some kind of road.

if there is a trail/small road in the forest, then people can move fast.

家园 当时没有可供直升机运送的轻便交通工具


家园 讲一个真实的故事,也是在原始森林穿插-------






家园 恭喜:意外获得 8 铢钱。


家园 “潘泰”(Panthay)一词可能是"叛党"的音译,




家园 可能吗?50公里的原始森林穿插只用了一个半小时就全部到
家园 交通工具

don't need to use the helicopters to carry 交通工具. it's possible that 交通工具 can be pre-arranged to the landing area. it could be trucks if there is a road to the training camp, or it could be boats if there is a river goes through the forest to the camp.

it's reasonable to assume china has undercovers/insiders in the camp & nearby area so they know the camp location and other info before the attack. these people could pre-arrange the transportation tools in advance before the attack.

the author has said he made a mistake about the statement "50公里的原始森林穿插只用了不可思议的一个半小时". "50公里" could be a typo, and"一个半小时" could be a typo, but the word "不可思议" couldn't be a typo. "不可思议" means the author is very surprised by how fast they got through the forest.

on the other hand, the author didn't correct the miles or time in his statement. obviously if he provides the actual miles/time or kept saying "50公里" &"一个半小时", he'll need to provide the details/explain how it could be done. this is something he probably doesn't want to get into/say in the public.

家园 the camp

think about you need to build & maintain a training camp in the forest: you'll need lots of materials/equipments to build the camp, and you'll need lots of supplies & foods to maintain the camp everyday. however, the most important thing for the camp is water. you can build a road to carry all of these things to the camp from the outside world, or if there is a river goes through the forest, you can build a camp closed to the river & the river can also be used for transportation too.

家园 国之利刃



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