
主题:得知近一半美国家庭不用交去年的所得税的感想 -- 海外俗人

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家园 八亿农民有一半在外打工,也是要缴税的。
家园 按所得税缴费标准。


家园 不是3000元以上的才缴税吗?



家园 AMT is a big joke.

Currently, even people with income of around 45k can still qualify for AMT...

Congress wants to kick out AMT for a while, but reform is always blocked by certain votes.

BTW, if you are married and do not file as a family, lots of tax benefits will not be available--therefore, filing as a family is still worthwhile.

Another option--live as partners and never officially marry. I know one friend couple does that. I was amazed...

家园 it is more and more difficul

difficult to get free lunch from Uncle Sam. Compared with 1980s, America, at both the federal and state levels, has cut down their welfare benefits.

I talked to old immigrants (not those high-tech wizard generation of new immigrants from Taiwan/Hk/China, etc). Their benefits package was amazingly good. But most would be cut or not available to newcomers.

California, in its golden years, had been very nice to poor Asian immigrants. After the 2000-2002 and 2007-2009 crises, I heard of lots of gov. cutbacks.

A looming fiscal crisis is going to hit all kinds of local governments.

家园 Gates决定谁当总统有什么不好么

你认为美国人现在真的那么在乎公平么。 只要多交税才能多得选举权,总统就没法只照顾Gates。



家园 china is heavy on turnover

tax (indirect tax), such as VAT.

Federal gov. mainly relies on indirect taxes for expenditure. China is very similar to continental European nations.

income tax is main source of fiscal revenue in Anglo nations.

家园 need your advice please


家园 start your own business

In Canada, that's the most effective way.

Another way is to live in Alberta: lowest combined income tax. Do not live in Quebec: 2nd highest in terms of total income tax burden.

I think you have marginal rate of 48% already based on what your said.

家园 Already in AB.

Thinking about switching from full-time to contractor. If there is a double dip ahead, most engineering companies will let contractors go first.

Your are correct.

家园 del

家园 Yes, I heard the same story.

I was hesitant in 2007. So far this is a jobless recovery. Might go self-employed once the economy stabilizes.

I owe you a big thank you.

家园 不是不交税


45% don't owe U.S. income tax


家园 37开
家园 我见过税票的



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