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主题:北邮校长方滨兴在武大演讲被扔鞋 -- talanet
一名年轻男子在人人网介绍,当日计算机学院内部贴出的“863代表团考察”通知中丝毫没有提及方滨兴。这名青年称现场警戒森严无法进入会场,随后其在楼内手举“404 NOT FOUND”字样纸条留影。而据网络传言,方滨兴昨日下午的学术活动正在计算机大楼B404。
ABC News
Chinese police were seeking the man who allegedly threw an egg and shoes Thursday at the computer scientist famous for designing China's Great Firewall of Web controls.
The attack — if true — is a particularly bold one for China and underscores how strongly people feel about the country's strict Internet censorship.
A Twitter user posting under the name "hanunyi" claimed that one of the shoes struck computer expert Fang Binxing while he was visiting Wuhan University in Hubei province. Fang, president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, is popularly known as the "father of the Great Firewall" and is reviled by many Chinese Web users.
An officer at the Luojiashan Public Security Bureau confirmed police were sent to the university to investigate a shoe-throwing incident that targeted Fang. The officer, who refused to give his name, said Fang was on his way to the airport.
"Hanunyi" posted a live account of the alleged shoe toss on his Twitter page, including photos of the door to the lecture hall where it happened, a hand clutching an egg in preparation and bare feet after he fled.
"The egg missed the target. The first shoe hit the target. The second shoe was blocked by a man and a woman," he wrote.
He described running away from the scene and three hours later expressed surprise at the huge online response.
"I didn't think this little thing would get such a big response," he wrote on Twitter.
Chinese Web filters routinely block searches for content that authorities deem too politically sensitive, such as the banned spiritual group Falun Gong or jailed Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo. Blogs and news websites are scrubbed of postings or articles that are overly critical of the Communist leadership.
Fang has felt the ire of the online community before. When he launched his own microblog in December, it was taken down within hours after anonymous posters peppered the Web journal with hundreds of caustic or sarcastic comments.
———Associated Press researcher Yu Bing contributed to this report.
转自XXX: 转自OOO:转自方滨兴
方滨兴 : 我至少成就了两个平台,微博和人人,不然现在将是twitter和facebook的网络;我至少成就了两个学校,北邮和武大,一个让人知道原来不是开邮局而是搞通信的,一个上了BBC变全球知名高校了;我至少成就了两个人,一个扔我鸡蛋的,一个扔我鞋子的。
那么,方的技术是什么?发假包制造TCP RESET中断连接?DNS投毒让人访问错误主机?假路由扩散封网?
好多网友给扔他鞋的帅哥准备礼物呢~~~还有美女要求交朋友的 ~,这鞋拍卖价一定不低啊~
减慢了多少人浏览速度,浪费时间不是等于谋杀吗?那他是不是该被公诉啊 ?