
主题:【原创】闲话93:稳扎稳打和步步为营(上) -- 井底望天

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家园 双管齐下,重在掺和


家园 这个要送宝

送花。注:送花、宝推可能得宝 关闭



家园 清醒。
家园 let's agree to disagree

I have not seen any senior Chinese financial leaders/banking leaders who can at least give a speech in fluent English. Top leadership position requires capability in public speech, policy making as well as social skills. I do not see much hope among the 50+ Chinese overseas.


Let Americans and Europeans fight first. China still needs time to build up its reserve of talents.

家园 多谢本大,还宝一枚。

送花。注:送花、宝推可能得宝 关闭



家园 双宝啊!

送花赞扬。注:送花、宝推可能得宝 关闭

送花成功,可取消。有效送花赞扬。感谢:作者获得通宝一枚。恭喜:你意外获得 16 铢钱。


家园 你打你的 我打我的 最终都是我的

送花成功,可取消。有效送花赞扬。恭喜:你意外获得 16 铢钱。


家园 送花\


家园 支持



家园 重在搅合,重在搅合。
家园 Language not before power

Speech in fluent English maybe is important to middle level, but that is nothing before super power. At that level, loyalty and strong political insight is critical. The ability to 忽悠 is of the second consideration.

家园 讨论一下


但是另起炉灶,也是另外一个极端。当年苏联就是要另起炉灶,搞得经互会。太祖也想在西方的体系之外,另起炉灶。你不让我和你玩,我自己拉几个小伙伴一起玩。结果呢,大家都知道了。 主要原因就是西方在技术上,资源上的优势,很难在另起炉灶的情况下赶超。


说实话,我们和美帝,是全球化最大的收益者,其他的第三世界国家,自打中国加入WTO以后,基本上就断了工业化得道路,被边缘化为资源输出国。 当然,从钱上看,美帝和其他发达国家的资本,是最大的受益者。但TG的工业产能,技术进步和产业升级,你说值多少钱?这是在补我们工业化得课呀。



家园 multilinguism has its costs

Due to my experience in South East Asia, I happen to find that the more the languages a person speaks, the less the depth of his understanding of the languages is.

Its a sad news for multilinguists--they tend not to be great thinkers, if presumably languages are the necessary media of thinking; even if they are in fact great thinkers, they must be weak in execution.

But don't push to the extreme. You may say 陈寅恪 who spoke 14 languages was a great thinker. I would say, he was one of the best in academic achievements,but he was lowsy in political judgement, let alone his executive capabilities.

I trust those who speak less than 3 languages instead of those who speak 3 or more. At CCHERE, I like WXMANG and 葡萄 very much. Their english skills might be slightly below average according to the inflated CCHERE's standard, but they are really good. They are really concerned about this nation with full soul and heart, no matter how painful it would be if they foresee what others fail to see.

I admire their personalities,too. Wenn alle untreu werden (当人们不再忠诚), they are showing their true colors. They are definitely pretty near to the standards of acient Chinese gentlemen (士), if, arguably, they fail to reach the qualifications of an English gentry.

家园 agree, but international

organization leadership requires language proficiency, esp., in English. Capability in public speech is also very important for leadership role.

In US top-tier private school, one component of the leadership training is about public speech (and presentation) skill.

BTW, since European languages are very similiar inside one language family. Therefore, proficiency in multiple languages are not a big challenge because some are just a small variant of the other, e.g., Dutch and German.

Therefore, multilinguism does not hurt depth in the European context.

As to the Southeastern Asia languages, they are often too different from each due to the separation by mountains or ocean, therefore, your conclusion could be quite right.

家园 我认识一些可以熟练使用法语德语的英语母语人士


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