
主题:【原创】章家敦仍然在战斗 -- 中关村88楼

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家园 算你狠!


家园 【原创】看他以前怎么干的:一年半前写的CNN报道评论


家园 for大师你一定不需要等这么久。
家园 摘录一段有意思的回复

“Is this the guy prodicte China should be fall by now? Did China fall? Is there anyone still believe in his opinon? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ??? Go figure.”

“这是那个预测中国应该马上崩溃的家伙吗?中国崩溃了吗?还有人听他的言论?骗老子一次,你真可耻。骗我两次,可耻。。 中指伺候”

“This guy is amazing. He get paid to bashed China and make wrong prediction about China collapse. How do I get a job where I can be wrong, wrote a book which is proved false by time and still get a platform to work? Sweet.”

“这家伙太牛叉了,通过错误的语言中国能赚到钱。我怎么也能得到这样的工作,写本书即便时间证明全错了,但依然能有机会显摆和赚钱, 太爽了”


“Gordon Chang has been a firm supporter for independence of Taiwan. So it's understandable that his views toward China have been political and hateful. Last year, he blamed Taiwanese president Ma to sell Taiwan to China besides would destroy Taiwanese economy and sovereignty when the two sides was working an economic partnership agreement, ECFA. The fact is the ECFA has helped Taiwan take advantages from trade with China, with greater surplus. So Chang was wrong again besides his predict of China's collapse.

Again, his views are much more political than honest.”

“老章是个坚定地台独支持者,这就很容易理解他对中国的意见充满了政治偏执和仇恨。去年他指责马英俊签署的两岸经贸协定会摧毁台湾的经济和主权独立。可实际上ECFA帮助了台湾在两岸经贸往来中赚取了巨大的利益。 老章又错了一次。 再说一遍,丫的观点政治性压倒了真实性”

家园 其实我想翻译一些评论让大家找找乐子,不过我觉得





家园 笑死我了

noway Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:55 pm EDT Report Abuse Mr. Gordon Chang used to be a starving lawyer in Shanghai more than 10 years ago when I was in China as the CEO of a US Company. He found a way to make a quick buck is to curry Westerners' favor and "fit Westerners' wishful thinking", so, he made a profession (and sold some books) of bashing China with little or no research. All his "prophecies" turned out to be false. Now he is doing it again.


10几年以前我在上海的一个美国公司做CEO的时候,张先生是一个'饥渴'的律师. 他找到了一个整快钱的方法,就是去拍西方人的马屁并迎合他们的幻想. 于是, 几乎没有经过仔细研究中国,他就开始了他抨击中国的营生(比如卖了几本书).他所有的预言都没有应验.现在他又来干这事了.

家园 这种人随时都有



家园 有人从1000点一直看空


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