
主题:【原创】【推荐下载】常用免费软件-安全软件、常用工具等 -- 韦红雪

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家园 有学习功能!


家园 不敢掠人之美,是另一位河民早些时候发现公布的
家园 如果你能找到注册版的话,会好很多


家园 难就难在难以坚持免费到底啊,谁有那个本事,呵呵
家园 MyMPC?暴风影音: 更新为 5.03.24 中英文版!
家园 可以试试紫光拼音呀


家园 我一直用的紫光



家园 【注意】edonkey安装不加警告地在你的机器上加装ad-ware

安装edonkey之后,你会在你的\Program Files\common目录下找到一个名为wintools的子目录。该子目录所包含的软件被多款反病毒工具识别为间谍软件。如果在你的进程池中发现名为wToolA.exe和wTools.exe的进程――恭喜你,中招了!

其实这是一个由wintools公司开发的软件,该软件的卸载方法可以在该公司网站上找到。你可以在命令行键入“wtoola uninstall”来卸载该软件。据说木马克星软件可以卸载掉该软件。否则你只能进入安全模式删除该文件夹并修改注册表。


家园 ad-ware 可以用 Spybot - Search & Destroy 去除,主贴里有。
家园 这个要用过才知道


家园 推荐一个智能狂拼 绝对好用

整句输入 修改方便 就是词库文件稍微大点90多兆



家园 还有个不错的选择


如果没有Office 2003,可以到



家园 呵呵,这可是个大块头!大块头有大智慧?
家园 这个确实大有些大



家园 再推荐几个 NirSoft 出品的绿色软件。

NirSoft 出品的软件个个短小精悍,特点是所有软件都是绿色软件,不需要安装;功能虽单一,却非常强悍。

MyUninstaller v1.31

MyUninstaller is an alternative utility to the standard Add/Remove applet of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all installed application, and allows you to uninstall an application, delete an uninstall entry, and save the list of all installed applications into a text file or HTML file.

MyUninstaller also provides additional information for most installed applications that the standard Add/Remove applet doesn't display: product name, company, version, uninstall string, installation folder and more.




CurrPorts v1.03

CurrPorts displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it.

In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file.

CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons)



AdapterWatch v1.00

AdapterWatch displays useful information about your network adapters: IP addresses, Hardware address, WINS servers, DNS servers, MTU value, Number of bytes received or sent, The current transfer speed, and more. In addition, it displays general TCP/IP/UDP/ICMP statistics for your local computer.



MyPopupKiller v1.25

The MyPopupKiller utility displays the list of all opened windows of your Web browser, and closes unwanted popup and advertising windows. In addition, it can automatically hide the internal ads of Kazaa Media Desktop, Download Accelerator (DAP), and Opera browser.



CurrProcess v1.10

CurrProcess utility displays the list of all processes currently running on your system. For each process, you can view the list of all modules (DLL files) that the process loads into memory. for all processes and modules, additional useful information is also displayed: product name, version, company name, description of the file, the size of the file, and more.

In addition, CurrProcess allows you to do the following actions: Kill a process, Dump memory of process into a text file, Create HTML report containing information about a process with the list of all modules that it loads into memory, Save the list of all running processes into text or HTML file, and more.



DriverView v1.00

DriverView utility displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system. For each driver in the list, additional useful information is displayed: load address of the driver, description, version, product name, company that created the driver, and more.



IconsExtract v1.31

Extract icons and cursors from EXE, DLL, CPL, and OCX files and save them as ICO or CUR files.



NirSoft 工具软件主页:http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/index.html


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