
主题:【原创】连续4天每天4、5%的涨跌后,是不是有了苗头 -- 铁手

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家园 you are too emotional

I am talking about technical issues facing the banking system in Europe. If you read my posts carefully on "wrong focus". I have pointed out all the key issues in today's Europe.

America has recapitalized its key banks, therefore, it will only suffer some collateral damage from this forthcoming hit in Europe.

Let's avoid each other.

家园 bypassing


家园 unsophiscated clients leak

their strategies, and more fatally, their positions to the broker, whose desk actively trades against the aggregates of these positions.

Some client hold large derivative positions that are based on benchmarks whose performance can be manipulated by the publisher. GS has a few popular benchmarks.

Some derivatives are design with a built-in decay.

Lots of engineering talents on wall street.

家园 What do you think about this



家园 key is CIBC

First, thanks for the info.

Second, European bank's info must be read with certain re-adjustment: European banks do not fully implemented IFRS(opt out hedging accounting and financial instruments), thus lots of assets have not been fully marked to fair value--I bet their equity positions were overstated.

Also I suspect that they used dubious accounting with respect to their sovereign bond holdings.

Third, CIBC is notoriously bad. It was the bank that was ordered to increase core capital by BoC. So a bad outlier.

Fourth, do not worry about National Bank--it is actually Quebec French National bank. I can not say too much here. But do not worry about its assets. It had cleaned up all European bond holding last year.

Fifth, this list is HIGHLY MISLEADING, because the common perception in our circle is that BMO is the worst-managed bank (maybe at par with C) in Canada. Capital position does not tell you other things about its operating inefficiency, lending practice, and cost management...

In sum, I apologize for being overconfident about Canadian banks since their core capital percentage is only in the middle in that league. But on the other side, I do not trust European bank's accounting numbers.

家园 only the beginning.
家园 这可说不好




家园 Thanks for the explanation!
家园 老兄是说完全避开股市离场?


我的情况是:计划里全是指数基金,每天可以交易一次,按收盘价。但无法买黄金,否则早就买了,也没法Hedge。我平常操作得不多,就是dollar cost averaging,公司发薪水时自动定投。但我会留心波动,如三年前大跌前轻了仓,两个月前也如此。所以今年YTD损失比大盘小。手上还有三四成TIPS和现金,现在感觉TIPS最近涨得快了,所以趁波动卖掉一些TIPS,吃进了一些波动最大的Russell2000,REITS和emerging market。但是是小口咬,跌得多就吃进多些,上涨就按兵不动,按照这个速度,我估计一两年以上才能把现金耗尽。


家园 in the next 6-9months,

hold in MEDIUM-LONG TERM US treasury notes.

If QE3 comes, those notes still go up.

If market collapses, those notes will go up further.

You might have to switch back to equity when high-inflation comes back, but right now, we should worry about deleveraging due to European banking crash and the aftermath--financial asset deflation.

Lesson No.1 for pension: preservation of capital prevails over the chase of return.

家园 受教了,花。可是T-NOTE对我不现实。

你说的有道理。可是我的401K里,non-equity fund只有stable value 和 TIPS index两种,没有中长期T-Note,但好像5年的TIPS yield已经是负数,所以我最近也将TIPS比例调低。



宏观上,我觉得市场里的钱最终无处可去,大部分还是只能回到股市。个人中长期比较看好emerging market和REITS,看来我还是慢慢小口吃进,只是要更加放慢脚步。

家园 how about gold?

as not all can buy the note you recommend?

家园 I have answered your

question in other posts. Please track a few other posts.

Now is too late for gold. You should have bought gold in June.

家园 ok, thank you
家园 how about VXX
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