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主题:【整理】中国政府给洋人老爷 送钱了 -- parishg
Fuck those Chinese traitors back in China!
Check what the SMARTER Britons and Americans do:
The US and UK rejected suggestions from emerging market countries that the International Monetary Fund needed more firepower to fight the eurozone crisis, creating a discordant start to the Group of 20 finance ministers meeting in Paris.
中国愤青 你们可以闭嘴了. Your money will be sucked away to support the lavish life of 洋人老爷 in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
Remember: China is "actively pushing" for this IMF-channeled special loan to rescue Europe.
Another person familiar with the discussions said the money could be used for public bank recapitalisation. “This solves the ownership problem of China buying big stakes in a European bank,” he said. “Instead, China gives money to the IMF; the IMF to France; and France to its banks.”
In the end,
--no voting right gain from IMF,
--no shareholder ownership in any strategic assets,
--no sale of useful environmental or energy industry technologies
--A direct loans WITHOUT any collateral/default protection either from IMF or any single European nation.
中国官员 蠢笨如猪 卖-国-贼...
translated by google. Partial translation
在实践中,美国可能会遇到困难,作出了重大贡献,但熟悉谈判的人说,中国和巴西 - 计划背后的推动力量之一 - 已经表现出了兴趣。从上个月在华盛顿的国际货币基金组织会议,金砖四国,巴西财政部长吉多曼特加谈到援助。
普拉萨德先生说:“新兴市场现在已经找到捐钱国际货币基金组织有可能在国内政治上可接受的方式,”。--my question is WHAT KIND OF COLLATERAL IMF CAN OFFER? If IMF is bankrupt, where CHINESE GET THEIR SWEAT-MONEY BACK?
熟悉讨论的另一个人说,这笔钱可以用于公共银行注资。 “这解决了中国购买在欧洲银行的所有权问题,”他说。 “中国给的钱-->国际货币基金组织;IMF to 法国 and France to 法国的银行。”
those low-IQ bureaucrats can drive any solid deals for China's interests. We can look at 2008. What solid deals Chinese got from U.S. government??? Americans gave controlling shares to Japanese bank and vetoed China's offer of rescue with respect to Morgan Stanley.
It is just a slam in the face.
Do people still remember 胡温新政? haha. Now we know that means high inflation, central gov. incompetence, unaffordable housing, various interests group manipulating domestic policies, and LASTLY a ticking banking system bomb.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wasted no time in shooting the idea down. The IMF's dominant shareholders, including the United States, Japan (EUREX: FMJP.EX - news) , Germany and China, are content that the fund's $380 billion worth of resources is enough. Canada and Australia also voiced opposition.
announcements this weekend or Oct 23.
I cite the news report from FT.com. The arrogant and derogatory tone of last sentence from IMF Asian regional chief really infuriates me: if China helps IMF for that special vehicle, it will be free money to support French bank recapitalization. The LAST THING on earth Chinese should do.
I strongly agree with you with respect to the following
千万别想着去收购人家企业。没戏,碰到的还是懒汉。最后就是连设备带人才,全部搬回来得了。what Americans do with respect to German tech. and talents after WWII.
I wish the top leadership back in China also think in that way and do not waste money in IMF any more. When Euroland crashes, they will finally give up control over IMF and withdraw their influence/money from all major international institutions.
China can "rescue" Europe then by buying their worthwhile international assets with the huge USD reserve.
what a joke.
check 4:50-5:50
1. Greek GDP is small, but Greek bonds are huge WITH RESPECT TO THE VERY LOW LEVEL of capital positions of ALL MAJOR French banks. And unfortunately, French banks still own the largest amount of Greek gov. even after they used their ECB trojan horse Frenchman Trichet to dump lots of Greek bonds to ECB.
2. Now Frenchmen are VERY short on money, now they beg for "global economic solidity". My question: when China's Olympic torch passed Paris, what those Chinese got in Paris? Is that French way to show "global solidity"???
Another hypocrite!
Chinese, please remember what you got back in France:
新华网泰国清迈10月15日电(记者史先振 杨定都)为妥善处理中国船员在湄公河遇袭身亡事件,中国外交部、公安部、交通运输部组成的联合工作组15日下午抵达泰国清莱府。泰国外长素拉蓬当天在接受新华社记者采访时说,泰方将为工作组开展工作提供便利。
zt from 东方日报 (similar to Bloomberg reports)
Note: India has current deficit problem and it will have trouble at congress for financing those rich nations. Brazil has ONLY 350b foreign reserve (while foreign debt is outstanding at $310b!).
The only nation that can ACTUALLY PLAY sweetdaddy role for those arrogant Europeans is China. And IMF this time will ask for all $350b bank recapitalization paid out of China. Christine Lagarde is really cunning.
为免欧债危机扩散,拖慢新兴市场的经济增长,中国、巴西及印度等新兴经济体主动提出向IMF扩大信贷额度,例如购买IMF发行的特别债券,(that's UNSECURED LOANS! not even voting shares!) 向IMF提供额外银弹,协助应对欧债危机,当中涉及金额可能超过3500亿美元。
不过新兴国家却遇上「热脸贴冷屁股」的尴尬情。美英等发达国家对有关建议不感兴趣,美国财长盖特纳表明,「IMF仍有大量未使用的资源」,认为现时 IMF的3800亿美元弹药已足够应付。德国对新兴国家伸出援手的态度亦不积极,财长朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schaeuble)认为欧债危机应由欧洲自行应付。
zt 明报
If even Germany, the core Euroland nation, does not care,and has refused to use EFSF to recapitalize French banks, WHAT THE FUCK CHINA IS DOING HERE?
Who gives China's top bankers the AUTHORIZATION TO EVEN PROPOSE COMMITTING 350B of KEY NATIONAL ASSETS to rescue France???? Remember how France humiliated China in 2008??
看来老兄从土共官员的愚蠢上挣到不少钱。 要不要和河里玩钱的朋友们交流一下?大家多赚些,这比文字更彰显土共官员的愚蠢。
可惜我不干这行,这钱挣不到,也就不知道他们有多愚蠢了。 知道土共蠢,气愤之余能挣到钱,些许可以弥补一下。 因为土共愚蠢而丢钱的,根本就不可能知道土共是真蠢、甲醇,也就不闹心了。
这么算下来,无论土共蠢不蠢,应该人人开心的。 这世界还真有意思哈。