
主题:【求教】美国中产阶级真的这么惨了吗-关于99% -- 田昭明

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家园 说不定是二手三手的哦。美国电影中那种用于居住的大巴很多


家园 重庆房产税已经推开了,豪宅。
家园 那水电怎么解决啊?


家园 是啊,这个油价牵扯着家家户户


家园 这个没问题啊。

反正如果有好几套房子的话 多一两个户口本其实没啥大区别

家园 离工作的地方太远了。这样就进住,得省多少钱啊。
家园 应该不贵,中国国内也就卖50万,连家具家电全包。



家园 上面是说公费留学的研究生月1700刀?


家园 一个人容易,一家就麻烦了


家园 这篇文章的关键之处在这句话


家园 看看吧,这些人过的是什么生活

NYC arrest records: Many Occupy Wall Street protesters live in luxury

The Daily Caller – Wed, Nov 2, 2011

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Many “Occupy Wall Street” protesters arrested in New York City “occupy” more luxurious homes than their “99 percent” rhetoric might suggest, a Daily Caller investigation has found.

For each of the 984 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in New York City between September 18 and October 15, police collected and filed an information sheet recording the arrestee’s name, age, sex, criminal charge, home address and — in most cases — race. The Daily Caller has obtained all of this information from a source in the New York City government.

Among addresses for which information is available, single-family homes listed on those police intake forms have a median value of $305,000 — a far higher number than the $185,400 median value of owner-occupied housing units in the United States.

Some of the homes where “Occupy” arrestees reside, viewed through Google Maps and the Multiple Listing Service real estate database, are the definition of opulence.

Using county assessors and online resources such as Zillow.com, TheDC estimated property values and rents for 87 percent of the homes and 59 percent of the apartments listed in the arrest records.

Even in the nation’s currently depressed housing market, at least 95 of the protesters’ residences are worth approximately $500,000 or more. (RELATED SLIDESHOW: Opulent homes of the ’99 percent’)

The median monthly rent for those living in apartments whose information is readily available is $1,850.

Of the 984 protesters arrested, at least 797 are white. The median age of “Occupy” protesters taken into custody is 27 years.

Ten demonstrators were arrested more than once. Most of the arrests, it should be noted, were for nonviolent offenses.

The arrest intake documents show that arrestees came to New York from all over the country but particularly from the Northeast.

Criminal charges ranged from “loitering while wearing a mask” and “failure to move along” to “violent behavior” and other more serious charges such as “assault 2 [second-degree assault] caus[ing] physical injury to police [or] firemen.” There was also one charge of “sex abuse 3 [third-degree].” Hundreds were arrested on October 1 for obstructing traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.

While it would not be fair to conclude that the arrested protesters are fully representative of a movement that is not completely understood, this information forms the most complete snapshot yet of the demonstrations’ more militant participants.

It also reinforces the persistent critique of protesters as entitled, upper-class agitators with few legitimate grievances.

London’s Daily Mail newspaper, for example, recently highlighted signs of wealth among the throngs in Zuccotti Park.

“Sleeping beside the hardcore activists are increasing numbers of wealthy students turning up to make the most of the party atmosphere, drugs and free food,” reporters Paul Bentley and Micela McLucas wrote in October. “While they dress down to blend in, the youngsters’ privileged backgrounds are revealed by glimpses of expensive gadgetry or the absent minded mention of their private schools during heated political debates.”

“I think that it’s accurate to say that our supporters come from all backgrounds,” Patrick Bruner, the operator of OccupyWallStreet.org, a website dedicated to help organize and spread information about the protests, told TheDC when asked about participants from wealthier backgrounds. “That said, a (non-random) survey on our site revealed that our visitors literally are the 99% in regards to economic realities.”

The national median home value of $185,400 reflects U.S. Census statistics from the years 2005 through 2009, the last year data were available.

TheDC was able to estimate home values and apartment rents for 659 of the 972 residences. Thirteen were in university dormitories; six were post office boxes; four were addresses in foreign countries. Many addresses proved to be nonexistent, and a few were not provided to police.

TheDC has elected not to publish personally identifying information.

Gracie Ferrell and Meg Gasvoda contributed reporting to this story.

家园 有认识的老美60多退休后就卖掉房子,买一辆这车到处逛


家园 这个说到关键了,引进中国人要达到抵消西语裔人口增涨的水平



家园 这句话在美国政府与中国富人眼中大概没那么重要


家园 你误解了,上面说的是美国的房屋设计节能,可没说美国人节能

很多美国人都没有养成节约的习惯,比如,我见到的美国人多数都没有随手关灯的习惯,家里面好些,办公室里灯光彻夜通明。家里,办公室里一年四季保持恒温,常年保持在67-70华氏度。另外,不管有人没人,空调总是开着。有些老美很奇怪,夏天在办公室穿厚衣服,冬天在办公室穿T恤,相信并不是一个罕见的现象。都说洋人耐冻,冬天穿的很少。实际上,穿的少不是因为耐冻,而是到处都是暖气(确切的说,应该是HEATER)。比如说,露天的地铁站或公共汽车站,四面没有墙,头顶就一个棚子,棚子上往往会有一个巨大的加热器。加热器的设计是有一定要求的,比如在零下10度,几级风的情况下,人站在下面的一定的距离内要达到多少度 -- 我不记得具体的设计要求,也懒得查了。我自己的亲身体会,零下7,8度微风的情况下,我站在大约10米之外,大约10多分钟身上开始冒汗。想想吧,背后所耗费的能源。。。

另外一个非常常见的现象:夏天,人在外面晒太阳,车停一边开着空调,车内没人。 冬天,很多人不在商店里等人,宁愿待在停车场的车内,当然,暖气是一定开着的。


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