
主题:看看你是哪一位二战名将。。。 -- sniper1990

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家园 嘿,很不错,尼米兹海军上将

Chester Nimitz

Chester Nimitz (February 24, 1885 - February 20, 1966) was the Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II.

Your creative mind brings a new, fresh perspective to combat and leadership. Your dynamic leadership style is very effective when it comes to motivating others and thus you have no problems executing your policies and ideas. Just remember that many times feedback creates even greater ideas so don't forget to listen.

家园 求教

Tamon Yamaguchi


家园 Isoroku Yamamoto是谁
家园 山本...那个...不及格也
家园 山下奉文。
家园 George Patton


George Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 - December 21, 1945), one of the most successful American generals in World War II.

When put in a position that will meet your potential, your "larger than life," flamboyant, charismatic and controversial personality is hard to miss. You are inspirational and your troops achieve great deeds under your leadership. Just keep in mind to always back up those great words with action.

家园 我又选了一个最不象我的,居然是Douglas MacArthur


家园 我的答案是James Somerville!还好不是日本人!


You resemble...

James Somerville

James Somerville (17 July, 1882 - 19 March, 1949), a British Admiral in the Royal Fleet during Word War II.

Many have noted your achievements and you have quickly advanced through the ranks. Never afraid to take on more responsibility you are often put in charge in tricky situations. Overcoming challenges is what you do and your impatience with others who do not have the same attitude can be seen as negative.


家园 Gunichi Mikawa


家园 我的好像还没人有过--Erich von Manstein,元帅

没听说过的说 怎么不是隆美尔!


家园 山本?我,,我,,,跳河自杀
家园 曼斯坦因----乖乖不得了!


家园 【注意】曼斯坦因转世在此!崇拜者们快快来


家园 same

Erich v. Manstein (GER)



Erich von Manstein (November 24, 1887-June 10, 1973) was one of the most prominent commanders of German Armed Forces during World War II, attaining the rank of Field Marshal. Manstein was the mastermind behind Fall Gelb.

Your strategic mind makes you a leader that thrives in situation where this precise skill is requested. Admired by your followers and sometimes even by your enemies this can sometimes get to your head. You thrive in situations where you find yourself as the "underdog" and need to use your strengths to their full potential.

家园 这个时候就不要保持一致了嘛。。。
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