
主题:看看你是哪一位二战名将。。。 -- sniper1990

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家园 握手


家园 也握一下?
家园 Isoroku Yamamoto


家园 Karl D鰊itz,who is he?
家园 Raymond Spruance...

Raymond Spruance

家园 哈哈。 邓尼茨。 还有一样的么?
家园 有 bug 啊。



家园 哈哈, 我是蒙哥马利
家园 我也是邓尼茨,不错,很酷的人,就是军衔低了点
家园 me too
家园 邓尼茨
家园 低了点???



家园 老兄,隆美尔那么差劲么?!

Erwin Rommel (GER)

Erwin Rommel (November 15, 1891-October 14, 1944) was one of the most distinguished German Field Marshals and commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps in World War II. He is also known by his nickname "The Desert Fox."

As a leader you are a performer and your area of interest is mechanical rather than artistic. You tend to save your energy until you come across a project or an adventure worthy of your time, but then you launch yourself at it. Be aware that the thrills you constantly seek might one day get the best of you.


家园 Albert Kesselring

1960) was a German General Field Marshal who commanded Army Group C during World War II, supporting Operation Barbarossa amongst others. He was nicknamed "Smiling Albert."

You are an ambitious leader, always striving higher and pushing yourself to the best of your abilities. Unfortunately, this effort does not always lead to the type of results you are looking for. You work well under pressure and find it easy to keep a straight face when challenged

家园 不爽,山口多闻,飞龙号最后的指挥者


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