
主题:【原创】8月15日纪念:敌后战场的伟大功绩,仍待还原史实 -- 春秋的老胡

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家园 这种事儿,春秋战国故事里就很多了...
家园 感谢你的工作


家园 我也提供一个证据

格蕾丝:一个美国女人在中国 1934-1974: 爱丽诺库柏、刘维汉著 傅志爱译 北京:生活读书新知三联书店,2006年4月第一版 P127




家园 不抗战怎么能打赢内战


What both interested and puzzled me was how a small band of guerrillas, isolated in one of the poorer sections of China, without any outside help, could not only fight an eight—year war behind the Japanese lines and survive, but come out of that war so strong that they could challenge American-trained and equipped armies of Chiang Kai-shek for control of China. The Kuomintang and even some American congressmen had often declared that the Communists had never fought the Japanese; if that were true——and it might be—-then by what methods had they survived and how were they abie to fight against Chiang Kai-shek now, if in that eight-year period they had done no fighting against the national enemy?

It was more than a reporter’s normal curiosity that made me inquire into these events; I also had a personal interest in finding out how the Reds had lived behind the Japanese lines. In August 1937, after the Japanese captured Peiping, I had sneaked through their lines and after a somewhat adventurous journey joined the troops of Chiang Kai-shek then gathering in North China to do battle. All through the surnmer of 1937 I had retreated with Chiang’s soldiers both across the North China Plain and through the mountains of Shansi. In one terrible retreat through Shansi I had seen the armies of Chiang almost completely collapse, soldiers throw away their weapons and officers grab all available transportation, abandon their troops and rush to the rear. At that time, it had seemed as if China could not possibly resist and as if North China had been completely abandoned into the hands of the enemy. Chiang's soldiers had been driven from the area, and all organized resistance in the north seemed at an end. Yet even while Chiang’s troops and I were fleeing the north, the Communists were infiltrating into position behind the Japanese lines where it had appeared to me no Chinsese soldiers could possibly operate.

How had they survived?

It seemed to me that here was not only a great story, but a profound human experience. Here also was the answer to the riddle of why Communisrn was having such great successes in China today. From the fight of the people of North China behind the Japanese lines, one could gain many clues as to who was going to win the war in China ——--the Communists or Chiang Kai-shek. Finally, it seemed to me that in the history of these years there were many lessons to be learned, not only political and military, but human and philosophic, as well.

To find an answer to these questions……

家园 出版社说8月底网上书店有售,9月份应该各地实体书店到货吧
家园 谢谢兄台支持,网上书店到货,一定立即通知大家


家园 同样感谢各位的支持和鼓励


家园 8月底之前应该网上书店都有售了


家园 这是本见证历史的书,也以美国人的视野介绍KMT何以会倒台





家园 她还写了很多解放军进天津城,解放之后建设,很好的一本书
家园 谢谢兄台支持,等下周网上书店有货了,一定立即通知大家


家园 想想当年的伪国民政府的那面旗帜吧


家园 作为“春秋”的老胡,想听一听你讲讲春秋的故事呢:)

家园 板等包子,会等多久?天?月?故人可是好同志啊!!
家园 马甲是想说


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