
主题:关于“德国之翼空难”的几点疑问 -- 霹雳焦蛙

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家园 任何阴谋论必须要有目的


家园 对地面遥控可以加的控制足以避免这种事。



家园 美国人这等于在表态了,飞机就是他们黑掉的

美国安全专家为验证自己的理论 黑掉了乘坐的波音737飞机

2015-04-19 13:41:07

在飞机上将自己的笔记本与座椅下方的盒子连接,进而控制了飞机的一些系统。好在,不是恐怖分子做的,是美国一个计算机安全专家克里斯罗伯茨(Chris Roberts)。罗伯茨坚信飞机上的娱乐系统存在安全漏洞,为了证明自己理论的正确,他黑掉了所坐航班的安全系统。飞机降落后,罗伯茨和他的电脑被FBI请下了那个航班。之后,他还在社交媒体“炫耀”自己的行为……


家园 再联想,更可怕


家园 【整理】究竟副驾驶是不是穆斯林?不公布是此地无银三百两?


Report: Germanwings Co-Pilot Was Recent Convert to Islam


An article which appeared today in the German magazine, PI-News, reports that during a six-month break from his job with Germanwings, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, the man now accused of hijacking and crashing the 320 Airbus into the French Alps, killing all 150 aboard, converted to Islam.

德国杂志《PI新闻》今天发表的报告称,副驾驶 Andreas Lubitz,那个被指控劫持空客320撞山导致150人遇难的飞行员,从他供职于德国之翼的6个月培训期间皈依了伊斯兰教。

An English translation of Michael Mannheimer’s article follows:

一个英语译者Michael Mannheimer’译文如下:

All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he – as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York – received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.


Converts are the most important weapon of Islam. Because their resume do not suggests that they often are particularly violent Muslims. Thus Germany now has its own 9/11, but in a reduced form. And so it is clear that Islam is a terrorist organization that are in accordance with §129a of the Criminal Code to prohibit it and to investigate its followers. But nothing will happen. One can bet that the apologists (media, politics, “Islamic Scholars”) will agree to assign this an act of a “mentally unstable” man, and you can bet that now, once again the mantra of how supposedly peaceful Islam is will continue. And worse still, the attacks by the left against those who have always warned against Islam, will be angrier and merciless.


Of course, the pilot could be heard pounding on the cockpit door, which Lubitz had apparently locked from the inside.

显然,副驾驶可以听到机长敲着驾驶舱的门,而Andreas Lubitz从里面反锁。

Police have removed what they call a “significant piece of evidence” from Lubitz’s home in Montabaur, Germany, but will not say what is was.


Read more at http://universalfreepress.com/report-germanwings-co-pilot-recent-convert-islam/

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