
主题:爱开快车又住在NJ、NY、DE or CT的请注意 -- 懒猫猫

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家园 爱开快车又住在NJ、NY、DE or CT的请注意


This IS true!!! A friend of ours is a state trooper and had let us know this a few days ago. Usually state troopers do not bother with speeding tickets within a few miles over (if at all), but they have to increase their funding and troopers are issuing speeding tickets all over!!! Be Careful!!!

Message for those who speed!!!!!!!!!!

Here's what a New Jersey State trooper sent:

Starting today, New Jersey will launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy. The state estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. 1 million will go to pay state troopers' overtime.

There will 50 state troopers on duty at all times patrolling the 9 main intersections and highways. They are the following:

I-295 north and south

I-95 (Jersey Turnpike) north and south

I-80 east and west

I-287 north and south

I-78 east and west

I-195 east and west

1-280 east and west

Rt. 130 north and south

Garden State Parkway north and south

5 mph above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 to 20 minutes. They have issued 30 brand new unmarked Crown Victoria cruisers and are bringing in all of their part timers on full time.

If you work in NJ, NY, DE or CT you will probably take one of these highways. It's up to you how fast you are going when they clock you.

101.5 FM confirmed all of this. So be safe and don't forget speeding tickets are on you. You've been warned."

Someone else e-mailed me the following:

Driving Ticket fine increase in NJ:

Starting on August 15th, the price of a ticket for violation of NJ Law39: 3-29 (failure to show your driver’s license, registration, or insurance card at the time you are stopped) is going from $44.00 to $173.00. Please make sure your vehicles have the proper documents in them. If you jump in the car to run to the store and forget your wallet with your license in it and you are stopped.... Oh well... you just spent $173. And the fine for not having all three documents is $519!!!

Forward to people in NJ, and let them know of this change. And be careful, the fine for hand held cell phone use while driving will be going up to $180.00.

家园 Thanks. You can post it on 龙行天下
家园 mama mia,那些highway都是俺爱走的路



家园 宋15!

家园 懒猫猫一点也不懒啊,把懒字去掉把。


家园 谣传:30-day speeding ticket frenzy

google 30-day speeding ticket frenzy

你就知道这是谣传。CA, NJ, MI都曾被传有此事。

家园 不过Jersey Tnpk上的警察比较bt倒是真的

N多的人都在Jersey Tnpk上吃过票,包括一些平时开车特老实的...

家园 我觉着最bt的是195!





家园 有时间给大家传授一下么


这个本事学会了可是收益无穷呵... 蒸锅小笼包子怎么样?

本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 欠麦帅包子一个。。。


家园 turnpike的问题在于


我的经验是和turnpike平行的I295更变态,据说因为警察想把人赶上收费的turnpike,呵呵。另一种说法是turnpike归state trooper管,而I295各地警察也可以分管。所以各地警察要从外州过客身上创收就只好去I295。


家园 这个speedtrap网站有待加强呵

怎么着也得和google map挂起来,按照公路线分布才看得明白...

警察窝子哪里都有,只是各地bt程度不同... 听说过最变的是南卡的,据说是开票和效益挂了勾...

家园 啊,是谣传么?那怎么广播电台还出来证实啊!不过这两天


家园 哈哈,搬倒消息树,送出鸡毛信……



家园 爱莲MM真改骑车了?那俺就把你那个懒字儿去掉!
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