

注册:2008-08-06 10:36:50


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2008-08-07 14:45:21分页 全看 树展
🙂再穷的人也能读完学业 ↑0 ↓0
Not really. Good schools are always too expensive for poor family. For under graduate, good schools are always for rich kids, not for those ...
2008-08-07 14:19:21分页 全看 树展
🙂余秋雨 ↑1 ↓0
余GG is one member of LiangXiao writing group, which is the major writing group of a quite influential political magzine "Study as well as cr ...
2008-08-07 08:59:21分页 全看 树展
🙂有不少人虽然有本却很少开车,遇到意外情况很难处理好 ↑0 ↓0
I knew a girl who claims she has a driver licence in China and knows how to drive. She asked me for assistance when she was buying a car. Af ...
2008-08-06 20:20:22分页 全看 树展
🙂杀手就是大货车 ↑0 ↓0
True. They are absolutely killers. Hitted by them, one does not need any funeral. It would be good to look around and check whether the car ...
2008-08-06 19:44:48分页 全看 树展
😨下到路肩 ↑0 ↓0
It depends. Obervation is important. Walking through several lanes could be dangerous. Just not simply jump out and run. There were a family ...
2008-08-06 15:56:02分页 全看 树展
🙂 ↑0 ↓0
flower, 能让人民过上好日子,让大部分人没觉得不爽的制度就是好制度。 Those guys tend to straighten other people using their rules, and forget about the actual situtation. ...
2008-08-06 15:40:14分页 全看 树展
🙂炸药奖荒唐事真多 ↑0 ↓0
炸药奖 is extremely political... Being a PI of big lab iteself is political.
2008-08-06 15:35:40分页 全看 树展
🙂【讨论】我丑得只能嫁老外了 ↑1 ↓0
"要说,老外的审美观还真成问题,我们推崇的美女,他们不屑一顾,他们认为的美女,我们多是看不上,远有世界顶尖名模之一的吕燕,眼前的就是我。" Talking and personality are more important if two are trying to build ...
2008-08-06 15:09:22分页 全看 树展
🙂re 出门在外,安全第一 ↑0 ↓0
That is so sad to attend two funerals within several years. In fact, if drivers could pay some attentions to observation, it will greatly re ...
2008-08-06 15:02:01分页 全看 树展
🙂Re 在城里开车乘车也请系好安全带 ↑0 ↓0
True. I remind my passengers everytime, no matter they take seat on the front seats or the back seats.
2008-08-06 14:54:35分页 全看 树展
🙂re 高速路上发生事故,一定要离开路面 ↑0 ↓0
呆在车里最安全,小心一下车就被撞了。 What he said is reasonable. Slow moving object in high way tends to be hitted easily. Other cars cannot kill one if he ...
2008-08-06 14:34:18分页 全看 树展
🙂“伦敦上空的鹰” ↑0 ↓0
I vaguely remembered“伦敦上空的鹰”is an Italian movie
2008-08-06 14:31:21分页 全看 树展
🙂re 用橄榄球投篮球筐会如何 ↑0 ↓0
The trajectory is not stable during the flying, so the ratio should be poorer than that of backetball.
2008-08-06 14:25:50分页 全看 树展
🙂得混多久才能出新兵营啊 ↑0 ↓0
Send out more flowers...
2008-08-06 11:31:38分页 全看 树展
🙂for test ↑0 ↓0
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