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主题:【原创】【闲聊】也说李陵 -- 任爱杰
19. What is the greatest factor in making the convention work?
Effectiveness depends on whether the governments concerned ace willing to abide by terms of the convention
20. What information must one give if captured?
Name, rank, service number, and date of birth
姓名, 军衔,军号, 生日。
21. What items may a POW retain?
Identity papers, grade insignia and unit marks, items of protection (mask and helmet), and personal items
身分证明, 军衔及部队标记,保护用具(防毒面具, 头盔)及个人用品。
22. In your own words, what does the Code of Conduct mean to you?
Example: It is a written law (Executive Order) which governs my actions and conduct during the time of war should I become captured or a prisoner of war
23. What is the main purpose of the Geneva Convention?
In general, rules provide that prisoners of war must be treated humanely. Specifically forbidden are violence to life and person, cruel treatment and torture, outrages on personal dignity in particular, humiliating degrading treatment
24. Can a person worship as he pleases under the Geneva Conference Rules?
25. What are prisoners searched for?
Hidden weapons and documents of intelligence value
26. Prisoners should be separated into what groups?
Officers, NCOs, enlisted personnel, civilians, and females
军官, 非战斗人员, 士兵, 平民, 女性
27. The individual can be sure that while he is a POW the U.S. Government will do what?
Make every possible effort to secure his release
28. According to the Geneva Convention, the detaining power can require POWs to perform labor in what situations or conditions?
It is neither military in character or purpose and provided they are not endangered in combat and no ultra hazardous activities of a non-military nature
29. It is important to properly handle POWs and speed them to the rear, why?
They may possess valuable intelligence information which interrogators can obtain from them
30. What does silencing POWs do?
Prevents the POW from planning resistance or escape and tends to keep them under control
防止战俘串联准备抵抗,逃脱, 有效控制战俘。
31. A good way to remember what you should do if you capture a prisoner is to use the 5-S\'s Rule. What is the 5-S\'s?
搜查, 隔离,命令战俘闭嘴, 快速,警卫工作
32. Prisoners are segregated into groups for what reason?
Leaders cannot organize escape and cannot remind their soldiers to be security minded
军官不能组织脱逃,并不能提醒它们的士兵牢守纪律, 提高警惕。
33. Safeguarding POWs means what?
Make sure that nobody is allowed to abuse them, make sure they are properly guarded to prevent escape, and make sure they arrive safely at the POW processing point
确认无人可以侵犯战俘,确认战俘受到合适的监视以防止逃脱, 确保战俘安全到达战俘处理地点。
34. What is the legal authority supporting the Code of Conduct?
The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
35. What is the means to resist considered exhausted?
When further fighting would lead to the soldiers death with no significant loss to the enemy
36. Are captured Chaplains or medical personnel considered POW\'s?
No. They are considered \"detained personnel\" under the Geneva Convention
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😜老任怎么对太史公和李陵意见这么大 1 aokrayd 字842 2007-09-15 20:29:50
🙂本人对司马迁和李陵并没有多大意见。 2 任爱杰 字520 2007-09-15 20:46:01
🙂此外,后世说李陵,各有各的出发点 夜月空山 字190 2007-09-16 13:14:02
🙂谁“非要把给他立牌坊,非要把李陵弄成好汉的样子”? 夜月空山 字356 2007-09-15 21:15:25