
主题:老外眼中的白酒 -- 雨楼

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家园 老外眼中的白酒




首先请出最佳搞笑奖:Pearl River Bridge Cooking Rice Liquor

Pearl River Bridge Cooking Rice Liquor: 600 ml bottle

From our favorite soy sauce makers comes the cheapest 76 proof vodka we've ever seen, at $2 a litre. If you want a good cheap spirit for cooking, this Chinese rice spirit can't be too far from what you need. As it is not for use as a beverage, it comes with the usual heavy dose of salt. Glen - Na, this is going too far!

T * G (huh!)

老外肯定很吃惊,明明是做酱油的,怎么也酿酒?而且这个便宜啊,$2 a litre。我尝尝,Glen - Na, this is going too far!

再来,最佳销量奖Red Star Erguotou Chiew,哈哈,红星二锅头。

Strong, and much smoother than expected; this is very easy drinking firewater. Very noticeable flavour and aroma, but not overpowering, approaching mildness even. This kaoliang chiew (sorghum liquor) is a popular and well-known brand, from Beijing. 56% alcohol, and perhaps not for the faint-hearted.

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Golden Flower Kao Liang Chiew?这是哪位?天津来的?金花高粱?

From Tianjin, in the P.R. of China. A solid, full-bodied flavour typical of kao liang chiew (sorghum liquor). Quite forceful and sharp, but still pleasantly drinkable. Dubious packaging, with the flimsiest plastic stopper possible, that ejects itself after a few minutes. Obviously meant to all be drunk in one sitting. 49% alcohol.

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这个就不太认识了Third Grade Fresh Double Strength Chinese Health Liquor

Despite the long name (hopefully a correct translation from Chinese via Korean to English), this Chinese sorghum liquor is a simple drink. Smells rather innocuous, but kicks like an angry mule when you drink it. Definitely for the strong-stomached - full-on, high-potency Chinese fire-water. The aftertaste will linger for a few hours. Drinkable, unpretentious, industrial, and certainly effective at 56% alcohol.

也难怪,translation from Chinese via Korean to English,什么东西都让韩国人一掺和,准变味。 想起最近二鬼子抢注这个那个就觉得有可气又可笑,连国旗的主要内容都是人家发明的,还吠吠什么啊。记不得坛子里哪个说的了







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