
主题:【讨论】西方愤老论坛里的中国愤青视频 -- 不悱不发

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家园 【讨论】西方愤老论坛里的中国愤青视频

自上次被西方愤老强烈反弹后 http://www.cchere.net/article/1529064

并未被自由民主老绅士们封ID. 这是在与希腊籍在中国人士交流JLF事件后,他在论坛里的回帖.他给出的视频链接所做的宣传很精彩, 强力推荐.

修正我的标题党作风,愤老愤青都是有失公允的称谓,以下转帖也许是目前我所见的西方自由主义与中国民族主义间最坦白的交流了.不寄望于消除对立, 仅提示思考。


Once again, Harry Papasotiriou writes from Shanghai:

I received the link below from one of my former Shanghai students, one

of very few Chinese that I talked to this week who seem not to be

swept by the nationalistic emotionalism rising in China. I hesitated

before posting it on WAIS, since it is a crude propaganda piece. But

unfortunately it rather accurately reflects Chinese opinion these

days, judging from my own discussions with Chinese students and

professors alike. Incidentally, my guess is that it is a private

production. It seems too crude to be the product of some government

agency. But of course it presumably reflects what the Chinese media



JE comments: Its precarious English notwithstanding, the video is a

chilling call to Chinese nationalism--or to quote from the video, for

the "chincese people." It's well worth a viewing. Tibet, rising food

prices and a vague notion of foreign exploitation are all rolled into

one angry package. And this time, the brunt of the anger is directed

primarily against the French.

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