
主题:关于西藏骚乱和游行示威等的非“主流”看法 -- 重庆老牛

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Stowaway case thwarted in Tibet

Nearly 70 people attempted to illegally cross the border between China and Nepal in the Tibet Autonomous Region on the early morning of Sept. 30 and one died during a conflict with border control guards, said an official of the related department of the region Thursday.

The official said a small squad of Chinese frontier soldiers found the stowaways and tried to persuade them to go back to their home. But the stowaways refused and attacked the soldiers.

Under the circumstances, "the frontier soldiers were forced to defend themselves and injured two stowaways," said the source.

One injured person died later in hospital due to oxygen shortage on the 6,200-meter high land, while another injured person received treatment in the local hospital.

Preliminary interrogations showed that it was a large-scale and premeditated illegal stowaway case. Further investigations into the case are underway.

Source: Xinhua


But the stowaways refused and attacked the soldiers.



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