主题:【求助】硬盘有问题了,Invalid BOOT.INI file -- 铁手
There is no guarrante to fix file system by any software automatically. The most practical way is to use software to recover file by file and make sure each file is recovered properly, so it might take a while if you have lots of files there.
But now I got go to bed... See you tomorrow...
- 相关回复 上下关系8
😥是两块硬盘?sorry没注意到‘从盘’这个词 锋利 字121 2004-06-26 01:51:01
Do you have PartitionMagic? hangzhou 字65 2004-06-26 00:27:20
没有。我用GETDATABACK在找,能够看到一些文件内容 铁手 字223 2004-06-26 00:33:13
Good luck
多谢多谢,刚才网断了。我也得睡觉了。我会先用NOTORN试验一下。 铁手 字0 2004-06-26 01:32:10
Wish you had recovered all files hangzhou 字274 2004-06-26 16:54:09
Here is the link for FinalData hangzhou 字606 2004-06-26 01:00:28
Here are some software for that hangzhou 字140 2004-06-26 00:37:06