主题:问一个squid代理问题 -- ktoya
designed to work. If it received the request for the target not cached, then it will fatch that file automatically even the client has canceled the request. Then the second or later requests will be served with that cached file instead to save bandwith. For small files, the late request will see very fast transfer. Only with large files you would be able to see the speed will go down as the cache server is doing the transferring.
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第一个我理解了,可是第二个我想不是这个原因 ktoya 字529 2004-07-10 13:37:09
一个可能的原因,你Kill了你的机器到代理的那个连接 梦里依稀 字371 2004-07-10 17:52:19
贴个图看看 ktoya 字427 2004-07-11 01:30:14
😁Tha's how the cache server is
以前读Proxy 的Performance分析时 梦里依稀 字508 2004-07-11 10:02:32
自我总结发言 ktoya 字414 2004-07-13 13:20:30
因为第二个连接的Client直接从代理的Cache里面读数据 梦里依稀 字260 2004-07-13 15:23:46
nod, 差不多就是这样, 我再补充完整点 ktoya 字380 2004-07-11 01:47:07