
主题:【讨论】在台湾问题上联邦制是否可行? -- 锦候

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家园 这个是我给的链接上的原话!

The constitutions of the Soviet Union (USSR) adopted since 1924 theoretically provided for a voluntary federation or union of Soviet Socialist Republics (SSR).


Soviet Union (USSR)

The constitutions of the Soviet Union (USSR) adopted since 1924 theoretically provided for a voluntary federation or union of Soviet Socialist Republics (SSR). Each was notionally governed by its own Supreme Soviet (parliament) and had the right to secede from the Union. Furthermore, some republics themselves possessed nominally self-governing units – Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics (ASSR) or autonomous oblasts. Two of the USSR republics, Byelorussian SSR and Ukraine SSR, were even members of the United Nations in recognition of their role in World War II. In practice, the system of one-party government found in the Soviet Union meant that governance of the Union was highly centralised, with important decisions taken by the leaders of the Communist Party in Moscow and merely 'rubber stamped' by local institutions. Nonetheless, with the introduction of free, competitive elections in the final years of the Soviet Union, the Union's theoretically federal structure became a reality in practice. This occurred only for a brief interim period, as the elected governments of many republics demanded their right to secede and became independent states in 1991–1992. The Soviet Union's de jure federal structure played a key role in its dissolution.








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