
主题:腰痛同针灸按摩---送给中间派的您 -- 虽远必诛

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家园 腰痛同针灸按摩---送给中间派的您

腰痛,lwoer back pain 是最常见的运动系统损伤之一,大约80%以上的人一生中有过腰痛。


急性腰痛acute lwoer back 通常是因为搬东西,不论是反复运动还是单次的暴力都能产生。比较罕见的是睡眠姿势。坐姿导致的腰痛也时有发生。



慢性腰痛可以是几个月,甚至几年,很多的患者出现神经传导路的改变,所谓的慢性疼痛综合征,chronic pain syndrome,非常难以治疗。





             2,关节损伤,facet joint strain或者impingement



缓解疼痛的方式有:1 按摩---尤其对软组织损伤效果好


         2 针灸---对慢性腰痛效果好

         3 TENs---掩盖疼痛速度快

         4 冷/热敷,冷敷对急性效果好,热敷对慢性效果好。

         5 AROM exercise,在生理范围内的活动锻炼,简单说就像晃动呼拉圈一样,但是切记 pain free。

         6 牵拉 stretch, 对急慢性都有效,但是要慎重,在专业人员指导下进行。

         7 Pilates,core-stability 的锻炼,对腰间盘突出有帮助。

         8 牵引,对腰间盘效果不是很肯定,可能会非常好,有的会变得非常会,需要进行急诊手术,有的没有变化。

         9 Mechanzie 对腰间盘有特殊价值。

对于功能,主要是三方面,1活动范围ROM, AROM和牵拉有明显帮助。

2 耐力锻炼,尤其是姿势的改正会有明显变化,尤其是坐姿,站姿。

3 肌力锻炼,要同时针对背肌群和腹肌群,记住脊柱要保持在中立位置最安全。



Acupuncture and dry-needling for low back pain

Thirty-five RCTs covering 2861 patients were included in this systematic review. There is insufficient evidence to make any recommendations about acupuncture or dry-needling for acute low-back pain. For chronic low-back pain, results show that acupuncture is more effective for pain relief than no treatment or sham treatment, in measurements taken up to three months. The results also show that for chronic low-back pain, acupuncture is more effective for improving function than no treatment, in the short-term. Acupuncture is not more effective than other conventional and "alternative" treatments. When acupuncture is added to other conventional therapies, it relieves pain and improves function better than the conventional therapies alone. However, effects are only small. Dry-needling appears to be a useful adjunct to other therapies for chronic low-back pain.


Massage for low-back pain

Low-back pain (LBP) is one of the most common and costly musculoskeletal problems in modern society. Seventy to 85% of the population will experience LBP at some time in their lives. Proponents of massage therapy claim it can minimize pain and disability, and speed return to normal function.

Massage in this review is defined as soft-tissue manipulation using hands or a mechanical device on any body part. Non-specific LBP indicates that no specific cause is detectable, such as infection, neoplasm, metastasis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture, inflammatory process or radicular syndrome (pain, tingling or numbnness spreading down the leg.

Thirteen randomized trials (1596 participants) assessing various types of massage therapy for low-back pain were included in this review. Eight had a high risk and five had a low risk of bias. Massage was more likely to work when combined with exercises (usually stretching) and education. The amount of benefit was more than that achieved by joint mobilization, relaxation, physical therapy, self-care education or acupuncture. It seems that acupressure or pressure point massage techniques provide more relief than classic (Swedish) massage, although more research is needed to confirm this.

No serious adverse events were reported by any patient in the included studies. However, some patients reported soreness during or shortly after the treatment. Some patients also reported an allergic reaction (e.g. rash or pimples) to the massage oil.

In summary, massage might be beneficial for patients with subacute (lasting four to 12 weeks) and chronic (lasting longer than 12 weeks) non-specific low-back pain, especially when combined with exercises and education.

总之,如果您急性的扭腰了,最重要的方法是不要卧床休息,要act as normal,长期卧床会导致更多问题。





最好的方式是提高自我控制的能力,self-management,比如说pilates, Machanzie.

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