主题:对历史问题展开争鸣的一点个人看法 -- 温相
You should have weighed each side of the question before making up your mind. I don't think it is wise to leave here.
If you choose leaving here only for escaping from people's judgement or comments, it is not really deserved. What will others say of you when they find out that you are going to run away? Say you are a sheepish loser, perhaps. Those who always had an edge on you would be glad to know that. You are not so doughty and doggedly as i supposed to be, i once supposed courage is the most valuable inner characteristic of you, while seems i am wrong.
Inversely, if you was about to explore a new life, I would like to say good luck and treat you with respect. Of course you have a right to happiness and start a new life, though we all expect to take you and fold you in the arms, love and save you accordingly.
I am willing to say see u then rather than giving you a sign of farewell...
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂说得好,该顶! 高士奇 字168 2004-10-06 22:50:24
😜同在一方热土,共创美好明天: 温相 字36 2004-10-07 05:36:11
什么“文革遗风”的帽子,这句话是我说的 犀光 字552 2004-10-06 20:32:39
😥why are you going to quit?
😜犀光不要走,应捅老大一个马蜂窝。 梦晓半生 字388 2004-10-07 11:01:30
你这话说的太糙,连文学城的过节也扯近来,不觉得无聊吗? 龙城飞将 字0 2004-10-07 08:29:32
😅-- 系统屏蔽 --。
😜犀光以为把文学城的事情扯进来对我比较具有杀伤力: 温相 字318 2004-10-07 16:28:06