
主题:【求助】写了一封离职告别信,高手们帮我把把关! -- DF41

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家园 【求助】写了一封离职告别信,高手们帮我把把关!


Dear all,

As some of you may already know, I am resigning my position here on Jan.06 and this week is my last week in XXX Company. I will starting a brand new role in another company which will afford me the opportunity for better personal growth and professional development. I am leaving with a mixture of excitement and regret, because I have greatly enjoyed working with all of you. You've been not just colleagues but my friends as well.

Indeed, over 3.5 years experience in XXX company has been deeply fulfilling. It has been a pleasure to fight with a

strong team. Together we’ve provided world class service to our valued customer, accomplished the great target one

after another, sharing a rewarding learning experience and we have much to be proud of.

Special thanks to PEK Management - person name,person name,person name,person name. You gave me numerous support,

guidance and encouragement that I’ve learned how a really good professional work and project management should be run.

I sincerely hope that our friendship will not end with my departure. I can be reached at any time via mp#1381025xxxx or email: [email protected]

Please accept my best wishes in the coming Chinese New Year!

I will miss you all my brother & sisters!


Yours truly,


关键词(Tags): #告别信(大圆)#离职告别信(大圆)
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