
主题:神舟8号发射成功。 -- 三笑

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家园 【整理】再看看其它国际友人对此次发射和对接有何观感(2)



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  Demon 3 minutes ago

  Ah yes China where children get run over by vehicles and animals are abused oh and not to mention they also have chinese rule over tibet where tibetans are setting them selves on fire for people to notice but no one cares..





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  Toothpick 3 minutes ago

  Congrats on the accomplishment. Maybe your government will let you finish what you started.





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  Yitsdik 5 minutes ago

  Would the world be a better place if Hitler had developed the atomic bomb before the USA?

  Some of you morons will, of course, say yes. But any rational person will agree that keeping a technological advantage ensures peace, tense as it may be.





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  justie • Tampa, United States • 6 minutes ago

  China makes spacecraft? are you trying to make me laugh... I thought they could only make stuffs for Dollar Stores and Walmart in America!!!





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  RONALD • Lima, Peru • 9 minutes ago

  Don’’t kid yourself, all Chinese made stuff is not bad quality.Most of you obviously have not been there.I worked there for several years.China has a lot more than you can imagine.



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  Amy • Anaheim, United States • 3 minutes ago

  we Americans are stupid, lazy, self-cheating, ignorant, cheap-talking fat people fed by Macdonalds, than you, lol



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  Jimmy E 10 minutes ago

  Very soon, China will have its own GPS, space station, many many more space projects.


  Be patience..............





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  Nickel 11 minutes ago

  For people who think China is a new growing power, think about it...China has ALWAYS been a super power, but a rather quiet one. They invented explosives but they used it for fire crackers while west used it for bullets and missiles. They had paper and written literature when Europeans were living on tree tops. They built the Great Wall and, the Grand Canal, palaces, and used fine china and wore silk when the Europeans lived on caves and wore animal hide.


  Read history, the Chinese had the most powerful navy of its time and they took the navy to neighboring countries to show them what they’’ve got so they wont mess with them, but never actually used the navy.


  Only recent colonization and industrialization and communist influence set China on the back foot for a period of time, now they are rising up to where they always have been.








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  Grizz 11 minutes ago

  And good thing Obama is dismantling our space programs. All so he can continue to fund reparations to the blacks.


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  Richard • Shanghai, China • 15 minutes ago

  Daniel said the truth. It's not unavailable to be unarmed. You can easily deploy N bombs on a space station. No NMD can protect from this. That's why Reagan was very nervous about SU.





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  I've a Big 'Un • Columbia, United States • 16 minutes ago

  Go, China, go!!!! The white racist boys are as JEALOUS as hell!!





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  Jimmy E 16 minutes ago

  Great news & I am very proud of China.

  Go strong, go powerful & contribute more to the world peace ,stablilities, plus prosperous....






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  Ahmed The terrorist • Portland, United States • 17 minutes ago

  get ready for more space debris to be falling



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  kitsy-chan • Toronto, Canada • 17 minutes ago

  USA is worried about china's space program having military links? So... NASA has no military links? Tech from NASA doesn't go to help the USAF and US Navy? NASA doesn't launch military Satalites, wow, thats good to know... i was worried there.





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  Jia 20 minutes ago

  Blaming Chinese always make US feel better





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  d h • Omaha, United States • 21 minutes ago

  Yep soon every nation except America will have a space program.


  Just think ware the unlimited resources up there will go, not to the USA if things keep going the way they are.






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  Kieth 25 minutes ago

  You guys keep create all stupid words to China, it does't mean anything, it will not bring China down, it just show to the world that you guys are stupid and lack of educations.




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  wow 28 minutes ago

  good for them! Someone has to continue the science research. The rest of the world has been running out of money!





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  Frank H 29 minutes ago

  China able to do this, because of all the work we gave them, Thanks greedy corporate America.

  We America Stop sending aid to all foreign countries, especially the jews, then we will be in MUCH BETTER shape.




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  bluebay • Boston, United States • 18 minutes ago

  Tell me what space technology we gave China?




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  Frank H 9 minutes ago

  I said work, not space tech. Learn to read correctly.



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  DonC • New York, United States • 30 minutes ago

  It'll break in 5 minutes and be in the Pacific in 20.



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  bluebay • Boston, United States • 19 minutes ago

  just like shuttles Challenger and Columbia



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  Amy • Anaheim, United States • 15 minutes ago

  evil thoughts won't help you much to recover fast lol


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  Richard • Shanghai, China • 15 minutes ago

  Daniel said the truth. It's not unavailable to be unarmed. You can easily deploy N bombs on a space station. No NMD can protect from this. That's why Reagan was very nervous about SU.





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  I've a Big 'Un • Columbia, United States • 16 minutes ago

  Go, China, go!!!! The white racist boys are as JEALOUS as hell!!





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  Jimmy E 16 minutes ago

  Great news & I am very proud of China.

  Go strong, go powerful & contribute more to the world peace ,stablilities, plus prosperous....






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  Ahmed The terrorist • Portland, United States • 17 minutes ago

  get ready for more space debris to be falling



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  kitsy-chan • Toronto, Canada • 17 minutes ago

  USA is worried about china's space program having military links? So... NASA has no military links? Tech from NASA doesn't go to help the USAF and US Navy? NASA doesn't launch military Satalites, wow, thats good to know... i was worried there.





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  Jia 20 minutes ago

  Blaming Chinese always make US feel better





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  d h • Omaha, United States • 21 minutes ago

  Yep soon every nation except America will have a space program.


  Just think ware the unlimited resources up there will go, not to the USA if things keep going the way they are.






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  Kieth 25 minutes ago

  You guys keep create all stupid words to China, it does't mean anything, it will not bring China down, it just show to the world that you guys are stupid and lack of educations.




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  wow 28 minutes ago

  good for them! Someone has to continue the science research. The rest of the world has been running out of money!





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  Frank H 29 minutes ago

  China able to do this, because of all the work we gave them, Thanks greedy corporate America.

  We America Stop sending aid to all foreign countries, especially the jews, then we will be in MUCH BETTER shape.




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  bluebay • Boston, United States • 18 minutes ago

  Tell me what space technology we gave China?




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  Frank H 9 minutes ago

  I said work, not space tech. Learn to read correctly.



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  DonC • New York, United States • 30 minutes ago

  It'll break in 5 minutes and be in the Pacific in 20.



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  bluebay • Boston, United States • 19 minutes ago

  just like shuttles Challenger and Columbia



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  Amy • Anaheim, United States • 15 minutes ago

  evil thoughts won't help you much to recover fast lol



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