
主题:【商榷】看PAUL KRUGMAN的文章,讨论中国经济 -- 西行的风

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家园 冤有头债有主, 和平演变是出路

1. market expectation for 中共十八屆三中全會: 土地市场資本市场双改革 1) 土地流转=向市場大規模強力投入土地生产要素, 2)自贸区/金融資本市場自由化=提升資本市場生产要素配置功能, 提升全要素生产率, 挖掘中国增长潜力

2. 中国增长潜力


3. why 和平演变?

white capital market system only works well with white political system

"江嘉键:在西方古典经济学中,经济学家试图把生产过程归结为不同要素之间的互动。 威廉·佩第在《赋税论》中将生产过程的要素分为“劳动”和“土地”两个部分"

""马克思的剩余价值理论忽视了资本家,或者说企业所有人要承担的生产风险,为制度成本付出的劳动。所以他认为生产要素中只有”劳动“有价值,而其他要素没有价值,我认为是毫不合理的" "

企业所有人要承担生产风险, 风险 to be gauged by a free and competitive capital market of global nature

4. 资本家承担生产风险, move into 企业生产 mode=基态至激发态, 量子跳跃

1) he gauges the demands for his products, he selects the best 生产要素组合=all needs a free and competitive capital market of global nature

2) 资本家量子化跃迁

obviously,资本家 does not "fall in love with 风险 " all the time, it has to be right combination of everything, with such combination can only be provided by a free and competitive capital market of global nature

much like those "silly & pretty" romantic girls hanging around looking for so called 爱情

"如果用一种东西来形容爱情,它会是什么?" 我愣了一下:"我想它不是粮食,而是宝石"。 是的,没有爱情,我们一样可以生存,但拥有爱情,生命会为此而更精彩"。


women kind of like 资本家, gauging in a global reproduction market, search for the best mate to facilitate her reproduction, for that "beautiful" "量子化跃迁" 惊心动魄 moment

5. 冤有头债有主

with a growing Chinese economy under an almost "white" capitalist market system, and a TG managed 和平演变 into a japan like 1.5 party "half white" political system, 冤有头债有主 will be "settle out of court", all parties happy

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