
主题:【讨论】我国当前哪些军工项目需要调整? -- silencsrv

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家园 寿命中期大修时,可能会船舰增加至少一具新发电机



Type 45 destroyers: UK's £1bn warships face engine refit:

The Royal Navy's most modern warships are to be fitted with new engines because they keep breaking down.

In an email seen by the BBC, a serving Royal Navy officer wrote that "total electric failures are common" on its fleet of six £1bn Type 45 destroyers.

BBC公开一封皇家海军军官投书的信:每艘价值10亿英镑的Type 45导弹驱逐舰,「全电力推进系统故障频仍」

The Ministry of Defence said there were reliability issues with the propulsion system and work to fix it would be done to ensure "ships remain available".


One Royal Navy officer said the cost could reach tens of millions of pounds.


In a statement, the MoD told the BBC that to "address some reliability issues" it was considering options to "upgrade the ships' diesel generators to add greater resilience to the power and the propulsion system".


That will involve significant work, though the Royal Navy insists that the six destroyers will still be deployed all over the world.

这些牵涉到可观的改进工作。不过皇家海军坚持,这六艘Type 45驱逐舰目前仍然可以正常进行全球部署

'Major weak link'

But from 2019 each will begin to undergo a major refit that will probably involve cutting a large hole to insert at least one new generator into the ship.

然而,到2019年Type 45驱逐舰队要陆续面临寿命中期大修时,可能会船舰增加至少一具新发电机,为此要在舰体开个大洞,工作量可观。

The work will be staggered to ensure the Navy still has ships to send on operations.

这些工程的排程会确保皇家海军仍然有足够的Type 45驱逐舰能派遣值勤。

The MoD would not give any details on cost.


Admiral Lord West, a former First Sea Lord, said the development was "very worrying" and the MoD must have known "three or four years ago" that the destroyers had problems.

The ex-Labour security minister said any delay in rectifying the problem would leave the Navy's surface fleet badly stretched, as the Navy can already "only just do some of the tasks we should be doing around the world".

"What I would hope is there is already in place a 'get well' programme and we must move very quickly to rectify these problems," he said.

Grey line

前第一海相罗德.维斯特上将(Adm. Lord West)表示情况的发展「非常让人担心」,国防部显然早在三到四年前就已经知道这些驱逐舰有问题。


「我希望相关当局已经准备好一些维护(get well)计画,而且必须非常快速地执行来解决问题」

'The lights went out'

HMS DauntlessImage copyrightPA

I experienced one of the many power outages on board HMS Dauntless, off the coast of Senegal, in 2012.

Type 45驱逐舰不屈号的人员:「在2012年的部署勤务,在赛内加尔外海经历过许多断电情况」

Suddenly all the lights on the ship went out. It was quickly fixed but it appears to be a problem that has plagued the entire fleet.

突然之间,舰上的灯光都熄灭了。虽然断电情况可以快速恢复,但这类情况在整个Type 45舰队里越来越常见。

In 2014 Dauntless had to abandon a training exercise and, in 2009, HMS Daring lost power in the Atlantic on her first voyage to the US. She suffered more propulsion problems off Kuwait in 2012.

在2014年,不屈号曾因为电力状况而被迫放弃演习勤务。在2009年,Type 45的勇敢号(HMS Daring D32)在前往美国的航程中于大西洋上发生断电;而勇敢号在2012年中东部署勤务中,在科威特遭遇过多次推进系统故障。

Initially the MoD dismissed these electrical failures as "teething problems".


But it has now admitted that there is a bigger problem - one that could be disastrous for a ship and her crew in combat.


Nick Childs, of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said: "It's an unfortunate extra cost the Royal Navy will have to swallow to sort out an unreliable propulsion system - the major weak link in an otherwise world-beating system.

国际战略研究机构的研究员Nick Childs表示:「很不幸地,对于这些不可靠的推进系统,皇家海军必须吞下这些额外的维护成本」

"They're essentially going to have to squeeze in an extra generator to improve reliability."


The warning signs were there in 2009 when the Commons Defence Committee published its report on the Type 45.

在2009年,下议院国防委员会(the Commons Defence Committee)公开关于Type 45的报告,首次露出警讯

MPs noted "persistent over-optimism and underestimation of the technical challenges, combined with inappropriate commercial arrangements" leading to rising costs.


Each destroyer ended up costing about £1bn. The Royal Navy wanted 12 ships but ended up with half that number.

每艘Type 45驱逐舰的成本最后超过10亿英镑,皇家海军最初希望建造12艘,最后落得只建造半数的下场。

The Type 45 has an integrated electric propulsion system that powers everything on board.

Type 44拥有集成电力推进系统,为舰上所有装备与推进提供动力。

The problem won't be solved quickly and it is likely to put a strain on the Royal Navy, which has already shrunk considerably in size.


It is now down to a surface fleet of 19 frigates and destroyers.


A spokesman for Rolls-Royce, which makes the WR-21 marine gas turbine used on the warships, said the company continued to work with the MoD on upgrading the performance of the propulsion system.

为Type 45提供WR21燃气涡轮的Rolls-Royce的发言人表示,该公司持续努力与皇家海军合作,改善这些驱逐舰的服勤表现。

BAE Systems, the company which builds the warships, said in a statement that the destroyers were "among the world's most capable air defence destroyer".

建造Type 45驱逐舰的BAE System表示,这些驱逐舰是全世界上能力最强大的防空驱逐舰。

It said it was working with the MoD "to deliver improvements to the power generation capability of the Type 45 destroyers".

BAE与国防部继续合作,继续完善Type 45驱逐舰的整合电力推进系统

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