
主题:【原创】去国不怀乡-一个90后从爱国到跟中国拜拜的故事 -- 匿名

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匿名 老美貌似也讨厌律师


Q: Whats the difference between a lawyer and a liar?

A: Lawyers are certified liars. They are trained in law colleges about how to tell lie which would approved legally.

A: A lawyer can be a good liar but a liar can't be a good lawyer

A:A Lawyer has 6 letters and a Liar has 4....

A: Lawyers get paid for lying!

A: 1. liar lie to save his/her as....s.

lawyer lie to save his/her case...

2.liar lie to love his/her honey...

lawyer lie to love his/her money...

3.liar has no one on his/her side...

lawyer has law on his/her side...

4.liar does not need a degree....

lawyer needs a degree....

5. liar lies with style...

lawyer lies with smile....

........... and so on.........

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