
主题:【原创】去国不怀乡-一个90后从爱国到跟中国拜拜的故事 -- 匿名

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匿名 Pretentious

A search of "JD candidate" gives statement below from reddit,

As far as I can tell, the whole "<Undergrad> Candidate" thing is a bleed-over from business school. I remember in my undergrad the director of my department sent out an email to the whole department, saying: a Candidate is a graduate student who has completed all their coursework and is awaiting the dissertation, no such thing exists for undergrads, therefore use of the title is not only pretentious, but also plain wrong.

Take from that what you will; business school isn't exactly a stranger to pretentiousness. I definitely judge people who use that title on a first impression. It's not useful and has a very real chance of putting some people off. A simple "Law Student", perhaps with the year level as well, is concise, clear, and isn't ostentatious.

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