
主题:弗里德曼的哀嚎,弗里德曼的狡计 -- 红军迷

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家园 弗里德曼的哀嚎,弗里德曼的狡计


“...four years of a president without shame, backed by a party without spine, amplified by a network without integrity, each pumping out conspiracy theories without truth, brought directly to our brains by social networks without ethics — all heated up by a pandemic without mercy.”(这四年中,一位无耻的总统恣意妄为,一个无骨的政党为虎作伥,一家无良的电视台推波助澜,三者抛出一堆无据的阴谋论,被一群无德的社交网络广为散布,外加一场无情的大瘟疫火上浇油。)


“We need to be simultaneously reunited, deprogrammed, refocused and reassured. The whole country needs to go on a weekend retreat to rediscover who we are and the bonds that unite us — or at least once did.”(我们需要同时做到:重新团结起来、重新打造规划、重新集中精力、重新获取自信。全国人民需要来一次周末静修,以重新发现我们是谁、是什么纽带把我们团结在一起,至少是了解过去是怎么做到的。)


“If Joe Biden is elected president, his top foreign policy challenge will be China — but not the China that he dealt with under Barack Obama. It will be a much more aggressive China, a China looking to supplant American technology dominance, smother democracy in Hong Kong and cybersteal your personal data. Pushing back on that China, without blowing up the global trading system, will require reversing one of Donald Trump’s biggest mistakes — his failure to build a partnership with Germany to counter Beijing. Yes, you read that right. The Cold War with the Soviet Union was fought and won in Berlin. And the looming Cold War with China — over trade, technology and global influence — will be fought and won in Berlin.“(如果拜登当选总统,他在外交政策上的首要挑战将是中国,但不是他在奥巴马时期对付的那个中国,而是一个更具侵略性的中国,一个希望取代美国技术主导地位、扼杀香港民主、用网络窃取你个人数据的中国。要在不摧毁全球贸易体系的情况下逼退这个中国,就需要扭转特朗普最大的错误之一,即:未能与德国建立伙伴关系来对抗北京。我说这话并不是异想天开。与苏联的冷战是在柏林打赢的。而与中国迫在眉睫的冷战,关于贸易、技术、全球影响力的这场冷战,将在柏林打响并获胜。)


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