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家园 罗桑你是无知者无畏吗?

你不知道“Scientific Fraud in Japan”在互联网上是一个大IP吗?

西方人还专门为日本人造假写了本书《Science as a Matter of Honour: How Accused Scientists Deal with Scientific Fraud in Japan》,而该书仅仅细分介绍到日本科研造假者的心理状态而已,果然日本造假学是一个大领域,值得无限细分来研究😁。

随手给你贴一个号称是史诗级的(“an epic fraud”,我承认西方人说话有点损)

最近历史上最大的科学丑闻之一发生在日本最负盛名的研究机构之一,神户的理化学发育生物学中心。在过去的几个月里,一项研究不当行为的调查集中在两篇关于一种制造干细胞的简单新方法的论文上。描述这种方法的论文被称为刺激触发多能性获得(stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency),在今年1月的著名杂志《自然》(Nature)上大张旗鼓地发表。但在《自然》杂志发现这些论文存在抄袭、图像识别错误和数据报告错误等问题后,这些论文于今年7月被撤回。

主要作者小保方晴子(Haruko Obokata)进行了这些研究并撰写了论文手稿,她被判犯有伪造数据罪。生物学家笹井义树是理研研究小组的负责人,也是这两篇论文的合著者。据《日本时报》报道,他一直负责监督小保方的研究,并因监管不力而受到批评。在调查期间,小保方和佐井都因压力过大而住院。本周,佐井在理研中心自杀。

《Researcher at the center of an epic fraud remains an enigma to those who exposed him》

One of the biggest science scandals in recent history took place at one of Japan’s most prestigious research institutions, the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe. Over the past several months, a research misconduct investigation has focused on two papers about a simple new method for creating stem cells. The papers describing the method, called stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, were published in the prestigious journal Nature in January to much fanfare. But they were retracted in July after Nature discovered that the papers included plagiarized writing, misidentified images, and misreported data.

Haruko Obokata, the lead author, who performed the studies and wrote the manuscripts, was found guilty of falsifying data. Biologist Yoshiki Sasai, leader of the Riken research group, was a co-author on both papers. According to the Japan Times, he had been responsible for overseeing Obokata’s research, and he was criticized for his poor supervision. During the investigation, both Obokata and Sasai were hospitalized for stress. This week, Sasai committed suicide at the Riken Center.

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