
主题:【原创】一个增加信托基金收益的玩法 -- 倥偬飞人

共:💬45 🌺14
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家园 some further explaination

I do not dispute your analysis on the fundamentals of this trust. You did good home work and I agree with you this company has little downside risk and quite big potential.

But precisely because this, I think your strategy(long stock, sell put) is not a good one. As I explained before, for each put you sell, you need to put extra $200 cash or margin aside. Remember you can't turn thin air into money. This works best when the stock goes nowhere as you wait while collect some premium. However if this stock goes up sharply, you are far better off to use that $200 dollars to buy stocks directly. If the stock goes down sharply, you are in big trouble as the put will jump and you could be wiped out immediately. I agree it is unlikely it will dip below $10 for long. But this is not impossible. You never know. The unexpected always happens. As you are leveraged(1:5) when selling naked put, you don't have to luxuary to wait through the possible storm.

In summary, don't try to be smart. Just buy the stock in cash if you believe your analysis on the stock. great risk/reward.

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