
主题:有哪些比较经典的short squeeze的战例可以推荐一下? -- uphere

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  • 家园 有哪些比较经典的short squeeze的战例可以推荐一下?


    number of floating stock about 35M, mostly owned by institutions. past 7 days volumes 150M, last 3 day volumes 37M. some estimated that short interest was at 64M by market close on 10/31.

    some must have been covered in the last 2 days, so estimate at least 20M to be covered. and also there are about 2M calls under or at 60.

    • 家园 已经反弹了


      • 家园 it's been a bear's trap

        at end of Jul, institutional holding was 109% of floats (some were lent to shorts and bought again by institutions). let's assume they somehow cut back to 90% in about 3 month time. we have had close to 500% turnover in the last 7 days, how much long positions have these institutions added? if they somehow managed to doubled their positions to 180% and now stop lending stocks to the shorts, the short squeeze would be phenomenal.

        • 家园 close at open

          If you think this uptrend is due to shorting, then it is the best time to close your call at the begining of market on 5/11.

          • 家园 why?

            the shorts will fight, unfortunately, only by shorting more, and the longs will keep them on the hook.

            there will be quite a few days of violent struggling before the big shorts totally give up and the big longs decide to call it a day.

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