
主题:南京大屠杀纪念-小国际里面的小讨论 (一) -- 马踏飞燕

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  • 家园 南京大屠杀纪念-小国际里面的小讨论 (一)

    为了纪念南京大屠杀, 也为了探听探讨日本人的口风, 本人在学校邮件列表里面群发了一份给所有日本留学生的邮件,引发了一系列讨论。 日本人发言了,中国人发言了,新加坡人发言了, 美国人发言了, 德国人也发言了,各种声音,各种面目,结论如何姑且不论,讨论本身绝对有价值呈现给大家。


    Tomorrow is 70th Memorial Day of Nanking Massacre (or The Rape of Nanking ) ,I think it is necessary for me to do something for that nightmare of 300,000 people since there are still lots of arguments for that nowadays.

    In Chinese media there are lots of reports on the Japanese reactions on the Nanjing Massacre or fatherly the opinion on the World War II, I do not want to simply take all that media told me, they may be prejudice, there may be some truth the media intentionally bypass, instead I want to directly get some information from our Japanese friends on campus, I want to know the truth in Japan.

    Would you allow me to ask a few questions? to compare to the reports by media.

    1. Have you heard about the Nanking Massacre in 1937? if yes where did you hear it, from history textbook or old people? How many victim do you know?

    2. Your government passed one history textbook called 'new history textbook ', in which 'Nanking Massacre' is replaced by 'Nanking incident', and doesn't mention victim number . How many students will use this textbook, all students in Japan or just a fraction of them ?

    3. Do you know the 'comfort women'? Your government denied that the Japanese military had forced women into sexual slavery during World War II last March. What is the common Japanese people's opinion? Do you really believe that the Chinese and Korean or even the Dutch girls became the sexual slavery as their will? Even in the days some victims are still alive.

    4. Do you support your leader visit the Yasukuni Shrine where more than 1000 war criminals are enshrined in ? What is the difficulty to remove the war criminals' positions from it? what is the reason to put Taiwanese and Koreans' name on it, they were forced to serve for japan and lost their lives.

    If we Chinese and Japanese or include Korean want to have a peaceful future and trust each other like what the Germany and France do, we should definitely make the history clear, understand it together and settle down all the arguments.

    I'm looking forwards your generous reply, you can argue, you can tell me loudly 'the media are lying!', but do please say something if you really care about the future. If there is not a single Japanese reply this, what can I say? may be "Brother! it seems that our neighbor even doesn't care about killed our grandpa, what should we do? "


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    • 家园 小国际里面的小讨论(二) 非典型性日本人登场


      Dear XX,

      Hello. I am Japanese and I have heard about Nanking. I actually heard it

      when I was studying at my high school in Japan from an American teacher. I

      have to admit, most people in Japan are not aware of Nanking due to the

      new textbook issue you mentioned. I disagree with this issue, too. Japan

      likes to change details so it is not considered as an oppressor. The

      textbook will most likely be utilized by public schools. Private schools

      have the ability to select their textbooks. I have to admit, I am not the

      best person to talk to. I lived outside of Japan for most of my life.

      Yasukuni has been a concern for quite a while, although Koizumi is no

      longer the prime minister of Japan. Many people are aware of the Yasukuni

      issue, and it was portrayed on television for quite a while. However, he

      had argued that the war criminals took action for what they believed in,

      and should be respected, although not worshiped. I personally don’t agree

      with the prime minister visiting Yasukuni as everyone could obviously see

      the result of his actions. However, if he is visiting Yasukuni not as the

      prime minister of Japan, but as a normal Japanese citizen, then I believe

      the issue is different. As long as he does not use government related

      funds to visit Yasukuni, I think it is his choice.

      I believe the media is partly involved in the scheme. On television, I

      once observed the reaction of Chinese people towards Japan. The Chinese

      were burning the Japanese flag and the picture of Koizumi. They were

      vandalizing Japanese restaurants as well as kicking Japanese cars even

      though the owner was Chinese. Yet, despite all the hatred they seem to

      posses, when focusing on their private lives most were equipped with

      Japanese electronics. They had songs of Japanese singers as tunes on their

      phones. The inconsistency was quite annoying, and I am sure other Japanese

      felt the same way.

      I love Japan and I have much pride as a Japanese citizen, but I will

      admit, the political system of Japan is corrupted. I come from Okinawa, a

      small island south of Japan. Okinawa had a distinct culture and language

      until Japan seized Okinawa and utilized it as a convenient source of money

      and resources. Try looking up the issue of forced suicide in Okinawa. It

      is also not mentioned in the textbooks and Okinawa is supposed to be part

      of Japan. The government is trying to erase history, despite actual

      testimonies of WWII survivors. I am sure the issue is focused upon more in

      comparison to past years. Many people are aware of such issues. I have

      also heard of the sexual slaves and I am sure, most people are aware of it

      as well. I hope I was able to help.


      • 家园 小国际里面的小讨论(三)找抽型香蕉人登场

        这个家伙不知道是哪的,自称Ben Meyrow,不敢用学校的信箱,用新加坡的yahoo,但是注册帐号又是kagutoki.

        不过风格确实是香蕉人的风格, 回复如下:

        As someone who has resided a long time in Taiwan, I have to correct you: you are NOT speaking for the many Taiwanese, who have lost their 'grandfathers', because of the atrocities committed by the Chinese communists. In fact Taiwanese Chinese see the Japanese as friends and mainland Chinese as aggressors. You go to Taiwan and you will find out! Even in Hong Kong mainland Chinese are noty loved and only 'tolerated' because they spend money there. Mainland Chinese are seen by Hong Kong Chinese as uneducated and ill-mannered. You will hear in Hong Kong Chinese people say: "We are the only country in the world that is democratic, but not free!"

        Is there a 'free press' in communist China? Do you learn anything at school about the millions and millions of dollars the Japanese government has paid (and is still paying) to communist China? Do the victims of the last war get any of that money from the communist regime???? Do the communist authorities inform the public how they spend the truly enormous sums they have received from Japan? And, about your other question: of course, Japan must and should honour its soldiers and commemorate their sacrifices. Every country would do that.

        • 家园 小国际里面的小讨论(四) 反抽香蕉人



          Are you sick?

          is there any relation between the 300,000 victims and the communism?

          I do know the millions and millions of dollars the Japanese government has paid, sorry for you. I do know How do the Goverment spend them, Sorry for you again. I should inform you that it is the Chinese government of its own accord to withdraw war reparations after the WW II, with the good will 'The past has past, I forgive you and let us have a new future'. And I should also inform you that in my prime school textbook, it is writen 'Japan is our neighbor, we should have a peaceful future from now on and for ever'. The education level in Mainland China is not as high as HongKong, I accept that, But I'm afraid it is you but not the most HongKong people take Mainland people as uneducated and ill-mannered.

          You want to talk about the communism, no problem. but do not mix this with the history problem between Japan and other Asian Countries, especially at this memorial day for 300,000 victims, that is too crude for them. They had nothing to do with communism and just want every one remember this tragedy and prevent it from happening again, then somebody jump out to talk about the communism.

        • 家园 根本就是来踩场子的啊


          • 家园 这种人倒还算了





        • 家园 确实典型的欠抽


      • 家园 果然是非典型、、、


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