
主题:英文版“关于和洋人争论西藏问题的一些要点” -- 晨枫

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  • 家园 英文版“关于和洋人争论西藏问题的一些要点”



    1. Tibetan vs. Chinese is a misnomer. There is no such thing as ethnic Chinese, just like there is no such thing as ethnic American (or Canadian, or Australian). Chinese is a collection of many ethnic groups living on this land, Tibetan being one, Han being another.

    2. Dalai Lama aspires to theocracy, not democracy. Theocracy is the most anti-democratic, anti-human rights, anti-freedom of speech and anti-freedom of religion form of political system. Can you imagine democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of religion in the inquisition era Catholic Europe? That is precisely what Dalai Lama wants to restore, only in the name of Buddhism.

    3. The recent conflict in Tibet is socio-economic in nature. It stemmed from the rapid but uneven socio-economic development in the region and associated disparity among people who benefit from it, primarily between migrant Han entrepreneurs and local Tibetan population. It has nothing to do with religion or independence. One does not gain national independence or uphold religious right by looting shops and burning or beating to death shop owners. The simple fact is: the monks and street folks have different objectives. The former pursues the goal of theocracy, the latter joined but for socio-economic reason.

    4. The western media criticizes Chinese official media's single sided source and view. However, the western media is a collective offender of the same sin. They base all their news and commentaries on Tibetan exile government information without independent validation. This is bias. Worse, this is accomplice to mass manipulation, because Tibetan exile government clearly has its own agenda and can only benefit from manipulating information to its advantage, which it has repeatedly done so with various "unconfirmed" news and images. It is meaningless to argue "how can the entire world is wrong while China is right". The "entire world" is based on a single source, without even a possibility to validate any of the claims.

    5. Cultural genocide is a false accusation. No living civilization can stay unchanged. Exchange and mutual influence has always been and will forever be a part of the evolution of civilization. What is happening in Tibet is not unlike what is happening in the rest of China: traditional but stagnant culture is challenged by alien but progressive culture. If no alien culture is allowed to enter Tibet so the "true tradition" can be preserved, and no tourists of non-Tibetan origin should enter Tibet to disturb their way of life, should western tourists and culture be banned in Tibet as well? Ironically, Dalai Lama was educated by one Heinrich Harrer, of the Hollywood movie "Seven Year in Tibet" fame, who is a recognized Austrian Nazi. His teaching can not be all that traditionally Tibetan. On a more general note, should China ban the western music, literature, etc. even Christianity to prevent cultural genocide by the west to Chinese people?

    6. About Han migrants in Tibet, even Dalai Lama recognizes Tibet as a part of China. Inside their own country, people surely have the right to move around to pursue a better life in any which way. Tibetans have the same right to move inland. Some of them do. This has nothing to do with cultural genocide or colonialism.


    关键词(Tags): #信口开河
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