
主题:关于四川地震,做了份东西,准备放到公司 home page 上 -- 煮酒正熟

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    • 家园 一些英文的建议


      在英文修改过程中,自己参考了新浪网http://news.sina.com.cn/z/08earthquake/index.shtml,确认目前的死亡人数;参考了VOA 对四川地震的报道 http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/2008-05-16-voa2.cfm,确认一些英文表达(包括摘录了几个句子)。

      The word "ask" is changed to "Hope".

      At 2:28 p.m., May 12, a 8.0-magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan province in southwest China. The massive quake was felt through a large part of China. Around 10 million people in the province were directly affected. Hundreds of thousands of people are without homes. So far the death poll amounts to over 34,073. Officials say the number of dead is expected to rise to more than fifty thousand.

      Soon after this formidable tragedy occurred, China undertook an all-out rescue and relief effort, lead by the government and immensely involved by civilian volunteers. In only 90 minutes, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao was on the plane to the disaster area to coordinate on-site rescue efforts. Though most of the road to the epicenter was totally destroyed and under constant threat of mudslides and aftershocks, a division of soldiers managed to arrive in mere 15 hours after walking 60 miles. Other rescuing forces from local, provincial and military authorities poured into the disaster areas by planes, trucks and, where roads were damaged, by walking. Victims helped themselves and others where they could. People lined up in many cities to donate blood. In cities nearby, thousands of taxi drivers and car owners voluntarily organized themselves to ship supplies into the disaster area and ship the wounded out, without anybody paying or giving an order…

      In this devastating time, ordinary people demonstrated great humanitarianism and altruism. A 21-year-old kindergarten teacher shielded a toddler from tons of falling concrete, saving the kid with her own life. A 25-year-old elementary school teacher rushed in and out of the collapsing classroom Thirteen times to rescue her students, and in the very last second of her life she sheltered a boy with her own body (the boy was finally rescued). CNN reported a touching story about a local authority leader:

      In this time of profound anguish, we hope everyone to keep those who lost their beloved ones in the earthquake in your prayers and thoughts.

      Below are three charity organizations that will use donations exclusively for China earthquake relief purposes.

      • 家园 多谢兄弟和颜子兄、禅兄、天线兄的修改和补充意见。




      • 家园 地震造成的死伤具体人数:



        建议给出具体亡(nearly 40k)、伤(235k)、无家可归(about 5 million)人数,这样比较直观,而且西人一向有看数据说话的习惯。



        • 家园 谢谢!



          The latest government figures confirm more than 40,000 people have died and more than 247,000 people have been injured.

      • 家园 再补:

        Soon after this formidable tragedy occurred, China undertook an all-out rescue and relief effort, lead by the government and immensely involved by civilian volunteers. In only 90 minutes, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao was on the plane to the disaster area to coordinate on-site rescue efforts. Though most of the road to the epicenter was totally destroyed and under constant threat of mudslides and aftershocks, a division of soldiers managed to arrive in mere 15 hours after walking for 60 miles. Other rescue forces from local, provincial and military authorities poured into disaster area by planes, trucks and, where roads were damaged,by foot. Victims helped themselves and others where they could. People lined up in many cities to donate blood. In cities nearby, thousands of taxi drivers and car owners voluntarily organized themselves to ship supplies into the disaster area and ship the wounded out, without being paid or given an order.

        In this devastating time, ordinary people demonstrated great humanitarianism and altruism. A 21-year-old kindergarten teacher shielded a toddler from tons of falling concrete, saving the kid with her own life. A 25-year-old elementary school teacher rushed in and out of a collapsing classroom Thirteen times to rescue her students, and in the very last second of her life she sheltered a boy with her own body. The boy was finally rescued. CNN reported a touching story about a local authority leader:

        In this time of profound anguish, we hope everyone will keep those who lost their loved ones in the earthquake in your prayers and thoughts.

        Below are three charity organizations whose donations will be used exclusively for China earthquake relief.

        • 家园 多谢!


          • 家园 中文教育


            • 家园 你的英文还是很好


    • 家园 给老酒献花!补充两点



    • 家园 好文!看得出真是拳拳赤子之心,感动!


    • 家园 花敬
    • 家园 送花 支持
    • 家园 写这份东西的基本想法和原则

      (1) 这份东西的重点不在于煽情,(事实上任何刻意的煽情都会大落下乘) 而是希望让同事们知道中国政府和人民在地震造成的巨大伤亡面前所表现出的人文主义情怀和奉献牺牲精神。

      (2) 这份东西有意淡化了对我国政府和军队的称赞,只是一笔带过,而把重点集中在具有更广泛认同基础的普通人表现出的那种崇高的人文主义情怀和互助牺牲精神上。

      (3) 这份东西刻意避免比较中美政府应对灾情之优劣那种刺激性文字。毕竟大家是同事,我们也需要兼顾在公司中的双重身份 --- 作为中国人 和 作为具有高度职业素养的公司人。(这与洗心MM那篇文字的初衷 and target audience 是不同的。当然,我个人非常认同洗心MM对中美应对灾情时的优劣分析,并且以自己是个中国人而深感自豪)

      (4) 最后, We're not begging for money. 提供了捐款链接,但没有什么倡议捐助的文字。

      一句话:我们的主要目的是要借助这次震灾,提升公司华人同事们的国家民族认同感,提升我们作为一个文化群体 在普通美国人心中的的地位和影响力,树立我们中国人坚韧、自尊、善良、拥有高贵灵魂的形像。

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