
主题:【笑口常开,轻松为主】nickname -- 要你命3k

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  • 家园 【笑口常开,轻松为主】nickname

    萨苏: Mr.Big Dig

    晨枫:Morning Big

    马鹿: Horse deer

    忘情: forgotten lover

    东湖珞珈: East lake's masaic

    雪个:Snow beauty

    大懒虫1号: lazy worm No. 1

    煮酒正熟: Wine cooker

    履虎尾: dancing on tiger tail

    范适安: fairy fan

    李根: Lee's root

    万里风中虎: tiger in the wind

    大鹏翔宇: eagle in the sky

    橡树村: Chief of oak village

    双石: two stone

    李禾平:Li old big's lady

    老马丁: Martin Senior

    容易: beauty in the mask

    梦秋: dream of autumn

    海天: sea & sky

    荷子: lilly's baby

    喜欢就捧捧场: take it if like it

    爱莲: lily fan

    完颜陈和尚: monk

    淡淡微风: breeze

    呆鹅: bird av

    肥肥烤猪: fat fat pig in oven

    江城孤舟: ship

    擎箭天使: angel of arrow

    黑岛人: balck islander

    电子赵括: General in shocking

    水风: water wind

    大眼: big eyes

    绿野仙踪: Fairytale on greenland

    踢细胞: cell kicker

    新长城: new great wall

    月色溶溶: Miss moonlights

    花老乔: colorful senior jiao

    虽远必诛: killer

    天空黑鹰: black eagle in sky

    苹果核的复仇: revenger of apple core

    燕庐敕: swallow's nest

    碎片与记录: ash in memory

    山而王: King of the mountain

    子玉: Mr. Jade

    物格修齐: trimmer

    马头磬: horsehead stone

    不爱吱声: speechless

    大煮: big steamer

    夜月空山: moon night in the mountain far

    神仙驴: fairy donkey

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