
主题:Diamonds and rust & Joan Baez -- Elusa13

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  • 家园 Diamonds and rust & Joan Baez

    About the Album:

    呃是1988年一?鲈谖靼嘌缆ilbao糍牛?鲅莩???的???r??音,呃??英遮及西班牙遮的??典?]?,腠??氧於???r的LIVE,但??音水???s是?I界的神??,玩家一致激??;加上Joan Baez那乾?Q,中低沉??的嗓音,?⒏枨?中的???馇楦屑暗赖氐娘L格????地淋漓蓖致…就是那?恿钊穗y以抗拒。

    About the Singer:



    1941年1月9日出生于美国纽约Staten岛上.我们经常听到的与"民谣皇帝"Bob Dylan齐名的"民谣女皇"的称号就是指的Joan Baez.Baez作为民谣界女性权威演绎者的地位是在1959年Newprot民谣节上的演出后奠定的.她对民谣音乐的理解加上天生的近乎完美的嗓音使得她成为50年代之后民谣音乐中的一棵奇葩.

    她的前四张专辑都是英美的传统叙事曲。在美国的人权运动(主要是女权)兴起时,她几乎全力介入,并唱出了带有赞歌气质的歌曲《我们能克服-We Will Overcome》。当她和迪伦为运动作巡徊演出时,曾有一段罗曼史。在60年代她建立了一个研究"非暴力"的研究所。她写的歌中也充满了非暴力倾向。她曾两次因参于反战集会而入狱。1968年与和平运动积极分子David Harris结婚,1972年离婚。虽然1971年她有过一曲《他们将老迪克西拖倒的那夜-The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down》榜上有名,但并不能维持其商业价值。1975年她的歌曲《钻石与铁锈-Diamonds And Rust》是她最成功的一页,也陈述了她和迪伦的感情,并为他们十年后的复合埋下了伏笔。

      她的写作方向总是变幻无常。1989年她发行了祝贺30年演出生涯的专辑。其中有她和老朋友保罗?西蒙-Paul Simon等的二重唱。不过她更重视的不是录音而是人权运动。1979年时她发现人权问题是世界性的。(一些人权团体第一次说服美总统卡特,派遣第七舰队去援救越南船民。)她曾以她热情的工作得过数个奖项。80-90年代,她主要的三项工作还是社会活动(笔者就曾在纽约亲眼见她在街头参加一次波兰移民的活动),接受治疗以及唱歌。她组建了一个以欧洲儿童为成员的合唱团'80年代的孩子'。1992年发行的专辑《装怕-Play Me Backwards》得全球好评。这张乡村摇滚唱片把她带到和Mary-Chapin Carpenter(著名乡村女歌手获91年葛莱梅等多项大奖)齐名的地位。


    About the lyric:

    Well I'll be damned

    Here comes your ghost again

    But that's not unusual

    It's just that the moon is full

    And you happened to call

    And here I sit

    Hand on the telephone

    Hearing a voice I'd known

    A couple of light years ago

    Heading straight for a fall

    As I remember your eyes

    Were bluer than robin's eggs

    My poetry was lousy you said

    Where are you calling from?

    A booth in the midwest

    Ten years ago

    I bought you some cufflinks

    You brought me something

    We both know what memories can bring

    They bring diamonds and rust

    Well you burst on the scene

    Already a legend

    The unwashed phenomenon

    The original vagabond

    You strayed into my arms

    And there you stayed

    Temporarily lost at sea

    The Madonna was yours for free

    Yes the girl on the half-shell

    Would keep you unharmed

    Now I see you standing

    With brown leaves falling around

    And snow in your hair

    Now you're smiling out the window

    Of that crummy hotel

    Over Washington Square

    Our breath comes out white clouds

    Mingles and hangs in the air

    Speaking strictly for me

    We both could have died then and there

    Now you're telling me

    You're not nostalgic

    Then give me another word for it

    You who are so good with words

    And at keeping things vague

    Because I need some of that vagueness now

    It's all come back too clearly

    Yes I loved you dearly

    And if you're offering me diamonds and rust

    I've already paid


    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 好帖,这几天事情多,心情乱,怠慢了.

      Joan Baez的声音确实不错,

      其实Bob Dylan的演唱并不出色但是创作是TOP级别的.在他的带领下,美国民谣在现实中找到了出路.

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