
主题:【文摘】法国的太子党 -- 我爱莫扎特

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                • 家园 sorry,itwasjust a silly joke

                  i don't know what is 资产阶级唯心主 either.

                  BTW, an aristcratic class in China has already formed, you liked it or not.
                  at first,we have rich people,powerful families,but i don't think we have an aristcratic class.1.most of the rich people comes from peasant class and remain the old social conscious and hobbies.yes,they are rich,but none of them think they are kind of aristcratic.in my town,one businessman spent one million yuan to hold a dinner party to celebrate his mother's 70 years' age.the boss of my cousin who owns some factory and land in fuzhou,sponsored my cousin about 120thousand yuan to purchase an apartment,for the sake of my cousin's seventeen years' hard and devoted work.most of them are fond of casino.all of them deal their business and problems by all kinds of bribe.not only in china,they behaved all the same wherever they stay. they never fight for anything and have no claims for social issues.all they want is money.they are just rich peasants but got different job.2.the powerful families which control the government positions and national wealth.if these guys are interested with money or women,it would be lucky for us.just let them be.if they are ambitious for political power,it maybe nothing bad, or maybe a disaster.but no doubt,they are all totally corrupted and maybe became idiot because of easy life.3.anyway,by now,we don't have a stable aristcratic class.there's no aristcratic class which would fight for the country and enjoy the first bullet.and for the goddamned one child policy,nobody would like to let their children be killed for anything.

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          • 家园 虎年的老虎通宝:作者意外获得【通宝】一枚
          • 家园 英国其实挺走运的


          • 家园 赞虎大好文,谢宝


          • 家园 一点不同意见,现在英国已经没有足够的工业力量来匹配他们的


            • 家园 老虎的意思是说文化带来的力量
              • 家园 我个人觉得老虎对英国太看好了。


                • 家园 BTW, Britons and Germans

                  shared the same ancestors. That's why the former is called Anglo-Saxons and the latter has two provinces called Lower Saxon and Upper Saxon.

                  尚武精神 is the in the blood of their nationals. From elites to the bottom people.

                • 家园 you underestimate Britons

                  Britons still won WWII not through industrial power, but through smart international alliance. Do not forget Australia/New Zealand/Canada (non-French speaking)/British commonwealth components.

                  Rome was defeated by Hannibal repeatedly, but his ally did not give up their bondage with Rome and Carthage lost in the end. In terms of financial strength Carthage actually won out due to its trading capability.

                  BTW, war between two nations are a competition of 精英 of two nations. In 1860s, Frenchmen/Britons travelled around the world and defeated Qing dynasty armies in front of its own capital, Beijing. A giant nation controlled by a bunch of womanizer 精英 is no match even to a small army that crossed 2 oceans away.

                • 家园 创造历史的是人
                  • 家园 工业力量更是人力量的集中体现。
                    • 家园 不是什么血气之勇

                      比如中国文化 天行健 君子自强不息 这样理念的传承

                      这些都是一种内在的文化特质 这样隐藏在血液中的内在能量

                      是发展 是革命 是再发展 再革命 的根本要素

                      这些要素是根 是很一个民族和国家很难短时间改变的 而工业化则是一种制度 一种社会组织的架构 是有可能短时间适应的

                      例子印度VS中国 2种不同的民族文化 造成了现在完全不一样的国家环境。当然很多客观原因也是非常重要的,这就是我用可能的原因。

                • 家园 狼兄对 1871-1914的德国工业/经济史熟悉不


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