
主题:【IT新闻】下一代Wi-Fi无线网络什么样 -- 802.11n简介 -- Highway

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  • 家园 【IT新闻】下一代Wi-Fi无线网络什么样 -- 802.11n简介

    现在的Wi-Fi无线网络够快吗?108MB的Wireless设备现在已经非常普遍了。虽然在实际应用中Wi-Fi并没有这么快,但是对于广大用户来说,802.11a/b/g都已经More than enough了!




    802.11n将使用4G Hz左右的频率,比现在的2.4G快一倍。理论传输率为250MB,实际可用传输率也高达175MB(现在的802.11g实际可用传输率大概是25MB左右)。怎么样,够快吗?


    [SIZE=4]802.11n: Next-Generation Wi-Fi[/SIZE]

    Tired of pokey 802.11g wireless performance? September is slated to bring the first comprehensive look at what is likely to be the future of Wi-Fi: 802.11n. On the 13th, in Berlin, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11n Task Group (TGn) will consider official proposals from numerous companies on what the specifications should be for the next-generation proposed standard, which promises speeds fast enough for an influx of new wireless applications. 
    Although a ratified standard isn't expected until late 2006, the first wave of 802.11n products could arrive in the first quarter of 2005. "There's a good chance you'll see products by then that will be software upgradable to the 'n' standard," says Mary Cramer, strategic marketing manager at Agere Systems. In the past, users―and consumers with home networks in particular―have purchased early products well in advance of ratification of Wi-Fi standards. 
    Agere Systems founded TGn Sync, one of the most powerful consortiums scheduled to deliver a proposal in Berlin. Cisco, Intel, Nokia, Nortel, Philips, Sony, and many more companies are members. 
    TGn Sync's proposal gives a glimpse of how much impact the 802.11n standard may have on everything from digital homes to wireless offices. "We're focusing on 40-MHz channel bandwidth [double the current 20-MHz bandwidth], backward compatibility with 'a,' 'b' and 'g,' and shooting for a data rate of 250 Mbps with actual throughput of around 175 Mbps," says Cramer. To put that in perspective, 802.11g has a quoted data rate of 54 Mbps, but actual data rates are about half that. "Many of our member companies said we need speeds at least four times faster than current Wi-Fi performance to get people to upgrade," Cramer adds. 
    Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) antenna technology is key to how TGn Sync intends to boost speeds. "Many of the highest hopes for the standard rest on getting that in there," says Mike Wolf, senior analyst at Instat/MDR. Cramer adds that increased range may make it feasible for an 802.11n-based home to have just one inexpensive access point. 
    So what applications might go on in an 'n' home? Cramer and Wolf point to multiple wireless video streams, many kinds of analog connections giving way to digital ones, and lickety-split large file downloads. It's not too early to keep an eye out for the next generation of Wi-Fi.
    • 家园 Wi-Fi的辐射应该没有手机厉害



      • 家园 我不是EE出身,所以是外行。但我觉得辐射强度和功率关系更近,而不是




        • 家园 恩,怪我没有讲清楚

          辐射强度当然是和发送功率有直接关系. 但是发送功率又和需要传送的距离有直接关系。


          P1 正比于 1/ (D^k) (1)

          k是一个常数, 一般为2-4之间的一个数字,具体大小取决于空间传输特性,比如是在乡村,还是城市,是陆地还是水面,遮挡物体的多少,天晴还是下雨等等。

          如果忽略接收端设备的灵敏性的话,若需要传送的距离是R, 要在接受点有同样的信号功率,发送者的功率和距离R的关系是:

          P2 正比于 R^k (2)

          其中P2 是发送功率,R是需要传送的距离

          手机因为靠近脑部,所以如果造成影响,也比离开脑部较远的设备大得多,其原理就是公式(1),同样原因,离微波炉远一些, 可以减少受到的辐射。

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