
主题:【原创】独角兽的修车自学笔记 -- 独角兽

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  • 家园 【原创】独角兽的修车自学笔记

    在一段传说中疑似被打了鸡血的日子里,独角兽曾经做了这么一个伟大的工程。详见“菜鸟的“Engine Check”(code P0115, P0401) 自学笔记 ”。现摘录如下,以骗取鲜花和掌声,并延伸纪念一下之后我所经历的“天将降大任于斯人也”的日子。

    • 家园 【原创】(六)后来



    • 家园 【原创】(五)主要问题


      google的方法是否可行(特别是用柴油清洗可以么?),有何注意事项(例如取下engine coolant temperature sensor 之前先要drain coolant)?哪些DIY难度大,不适合我这个菜鸟做?

      备注:我的radiator 自从换了以后我经常观察,coolant level 没有明显变化。

    • 家园 【原创】(四)DIY计划


      ―》仔细阅读repair manual的相关部分,确定零件部位,注意事项,DIY可能性(危险性和麻烦度)


      -》Erase Error Codes,熄灭engine check 灯。


      今天Code Scan的结果:P0115 消失了

      “2 codes found: P0401, P0401 (pending)”

      “MIL on”

      “Monior viewed: 1 incomplete (EGR), 7 ready ( Misfire, Fuel, Comp, Catlyst, Evap, O2 Snsr, O2 Htr,)”


      A:因为P0115目前没有出现,决定先针对P0401维修(EGR system)

      B:因为要smogcheck 和卖车,容易/便宜的维护可以先做一下。如检查电池电压,cable连接,换Spark Plug (可选),换/检查fuel filter (还没弄清在哪里,怎么换,好不好换),清洗air filter (我的是washable的,尽管我从来没洗过);用electronic cleaner 清洗一下A/F sensor (如果我能找到的话,貌似在那个壳下面)。


    • 家园 【原创】(三)自学经过

      1)Code Scan (重复多次,切记读code时关掉风扇)

      “3 codes found: P0115,P0401, P0401 (pending,在规定时间内错误出现次数不够)”

      “MIL on”

      “Monior viewed: 0 incomplete, 8 ready (计算机记录了足够多的数据)( Misfire, Fuel, Comp, Catlyst, Evap, O2 Snsr, O2 Htr, EGR)”

      2) Repair Manual Study:

      说的太专业,维修貌似基于toyota hand-held tester tool. 针对问题似乎太严重,engine红灯而不是黄灯。但是学习了基本概念,电路组成,及零件位置(图画的不好,实物的确认还没有完全肯定)

      3)google 关键词:


      Engine coolant Temperature sensor (DCT Code : P0115)

      Check Engine Cooling Sytem and radiator circuit for any possible leakage.

      Inspect Radiator and hoses connection for leaks. Keep checking level of radiator coolant very often. If there is no leak...

      A thermistor built into the engine coolant temp. sensor changes the resistance value according to the engine

      coolant temp.

      DTC - P0115 Open or short in engine coolant temp. sensor circuit

      -Open or short in engine coolant temp. sensor circuit

      -Engine coolant temp. sensor

      Follow these steps.

      (a) Disconnect the engine coolant temperature sensor connector.

      (b) Connect the terminals 1 with 2 of the engine coolant temperature

      sensor connector. Measure the resistance between terminal 1 and 2. check for open circuit or short circuit. Ideally it should read between 2.0 Kohms to 3.0 Kohms.

      (c) Turn the ignition switch ON. Start the vehicle.

      (d) Measure the resistance between terminal 1 and 2. As the coolant temperature starts rising up, the resistance starts falling down. At 180 deg C it should read approximately 0.2 Kohms, depends on make.

      If the ECM detects the DTC P0115, it operates fail safe function in which the engine coolant temperature is assumed to be 80_C (176_F).

      EGR – Exhaust Gas Recycle (DTC Code: 71 or P0401)

      EGR system reduces NOx output by re-circulating portion of exhaust gases with normal air-to-fuel charge in the engine. EGR Flow is higher while cruising and mid-range acceleration when typical combustion temperature is very high. At lower speed and light load condition lower EGR flow is required. No EGR flow is required while idling or engine warm-up. There are four major components in EGR system, EGR Valve, EGR Vacuum Modulator, VSV: ECU controlled Vacuum Switching Valve and EGR Gas Temperature Sensors plus piping. With the age of the vehicle, EGR system problem is very common.

      Use this routine:

      -Remove the EGR Vacuum Modulator from the holding clamp and open the top cap. Inspect and replace the filter if required. Diesel (without any rust inhibitor additives or contents) can be used for removal of carbon deposits in the piping.

      -Remove the EGR Valve from the mount. Remove the EGR inlet and outlet pipes from the exhaust manifold and the intake manifold. Blow air in inlet port and check for external and internal leaks. Inspect and replace the gasket if required. Inspect the manifold EGR ports and the EGR inlet and outlet pipes for a blockage caused by excessive deposits, casting flashing or other damage. Diesel (without any rust inhibitor additives or contents) can be used for removal of carbon deposits in the piping (A heavy guitar string on a drill motor works real good for running thru the manifold passage to open up the port). Then re-install the EGR and road-test again and also try cruise control at various speeds. If the light doesn't come on, you know that was the problem.

      -Check EGR Temperature Sensor.

      - Check and clean inlet and out let ports plus electrical connector of EGR VSV. ECU uses three signals to control the operation of EGR VSV switch --- distributor signal, coolant temperature signal and vacuum pressure signal. So after carrying out EGR system maintenance, you should service clean up for distributor cap and clan up electrical contacts of distributor, engine coolant temp sensor and vacuum sensors.

      Again, with the age of the vehicle, this is very common

    • 家园 沙发
      • 沙发
        家园 机器人呀!
        • 家园 我觉得你的车就是EGR的问题

          EGR,Exhaust Gas Recycle,也称Exhaust Gas Recirculation,是一种将发动机燃烧后的废气再重新吸入的技术。由于废气的含氧量比新鲜空气低,混入废气后发动机的燃烧温度降低,有助于减少有害物质NOx的排放。另外,当发动机工作在部分负荷下,低含氧量进气可以使发动机的节气门(油门)开得比较大,减少发动机吸气的功率损失。显然,EGR在发动机启动时和全负荷下应该停止工作。

          你的车1998年,不算旧。情况是Engine可以启动,但是很快就熄火,这显然不是starter的毛病。有人说尾气气味不对,其实很可能是EGR在发动机启动时异常工作,混入的废气使发动机燃烧不稳定造成的。当你启动之后多给点儿油让发动机冲过不稳定区也许就没事了。smog check要把发动机的转速升到两千转以上,此时发动机当然可以表现正常。


    • 家园 【原创】(二)武器装备


      OBD II Code Reader (bought from autozone, hopefully I can return it later)

      Camry Repair Manual CD




    • 家园 【原创】(一)车况描述

      车况描述:1998 Camry LE, 4 缸

      两年多前“check”灯忽然亮了,惊慌失措。然后就自己灭了。多方咨询后,被告知很可能是 Air sensor 脏了,喷一些electronic cleaner 就行了,但是并不严重。(当然,首先排除了加油口盖子没拧紧的可能性)。后来偶尔亮了两次。但是一个多月后smog check顺利通过,从此放松警惕。主要是朋友拿了cleaner却找不到那个sensor在哪里。他自己是corolla,sensor就在看的见的地方。

      后来ebay了维修光盘一张,却没能在光盘上找到sensor的位置。主要是不知道那个东东叫A/F sensor,也不知道这东西属于章节。于是放弃。

      换机油的时候,老中修车师傅说车子看起来没什么问题,没有噪音,没有振动。继续开吧,smog check前再来修吧,很花钱的。

      无惊无险的开了一年多(电池接触不良导致无法启动不算什么问题),开始偶尔出现打火失败的问题。Engine可以启动,但是很快就熄火(马上或者1分钟之内(还没能慢速倒出停车厂)。被建议换starter (好贵)或者启动之前给两脚油,在不行启动之后也给点儿油让其稳定了再开。不舍的花钱,就坚持着开,好在不是总出现。同时,有人提出我的尾气气味不对,应该做tune up。


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