
主题:【文摘兼求助】 -- 天涯睡客

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  • 家园 【文摘兼求助】

    Joe Bageant : Cars fed on corn, people fed on horseshit



    China as the new face of the successful state? China has simply gone to Confucian capitalism, which is the same gangsterism as the old capitalism, but without any civil liberties or human rights. This of course, is seen as an advance in the eyes of the world capitalist syndicates go. This is why the corporations all moved their operations to China. Slaves were cheaper there than in the US. "At last," they smiled, to themselves, "We can now fuck the worker blind, pay them shit and beat the hell out of them for laughs. Sell their second kidney on the medical market if we chose, what the hell."

    People being people though, Chinese folks fresh from the farm and working 70 hours a week so they can save up for a microwave or something, declare it to be now the best system in the world. Just like Americans do. And the workers watch the "emergence of China's dynamic new middle class," consisting mostly of state educated city folks trained in newer, more sophisticated ways to work the peasantry to death, so the middle class can buy a three hundred square foot apartments and cars. Janked on nationalism, patriotism takes hold and they all say to one another: "Is this a great country or what?" I would further add that China is by no means more advanced because it executes more "criminals" (Stalin would have loved your definition of advanced Bubba!) than the US. Given that China has one and a third billion people. I would be curious to see if per capita executions exceed the US. Maybe it does. However, a high execution rate is a curious standard by which to judge the success of a civilization.



    • 家园 无政府主义这一路数的,不要太受影响

      There are tons of such anarchists among the western left: they are good at criticizing everything, but can really offer nothing constructive. They may have an attractive narrative, but eventually it will lead you to no where. Such anarchist tendency is one big reason why western left has got no where except talking, or more precisely, whining. Remember Chinaman Mao once said, 我喜欢和美国右派打交道,不喜欢和美国左派打交道。After dealing with so many western left, I start to understand why.

      Regarding 建国至毛过世后的经济发展数据



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