
主题:【整理原创】朝鲜战争中的细菌战(系列终结篇) -- 思炎

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      • 家园 首先,你这个回复的态度不错。至于,我给了这么多

        论据后,特别是最后一贴的有关frank olson的纪录片和《肮脏的小秘密》的纪录片后,如你所说的:





        当时不是没做保密工作,那frank olson不是被杀了吗?其他人,敢讲吗?就算不杀,自己也知道下场不会好了?叛国罪是少不了的了。







        现在,就是差一个美国会不会最终公开承认的问题。。。但我估计没那么容易, 不然也要等那帮老兵都死了后。。。



        本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
        • 家园 突然想起来这个北明不会就是写徐良临阵脱逃的那个吧?
          • 家园 就是那位。萨苏曾专门撰文揭她的脸皮

            萨苏:给北明先生 我所见的徐良 之一。老萨也发在河里了萨苏:【原创】徐良说:你比我牛啊。





            后来才知道,这时的北明,已经是美国自由亚洲电台“华盛顿手记”专题节目的主持人了,不能不慨叹一句 -- 政治,对一个人的良心来说,是何等的可怕。


        • 家园 对不起, 你那个谁被杀到底是怎么一回事就凭一部片子就定论

          了?连最后那21个到中国的战俘后来回美国都没打成是叛国罪,你说什么就是什么? 你那文教授好歹还弄一个31条出来说事, 你怎么不学学,张嘴就来? 还什么下场不会好,这种揭政府黑幕的事情有从来都不少人干,上次那个伊拉克虐囚的事情不就是美军自己人揭出来的?真揭出来死的只能是他下命令的上司,自己是英雄了。

          本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
          • 家园 你这个回帖可太高层次了。差点以为是风雨来的留言

            对不起, 你那个谁被杀到底是怎么一回事就凭一部片子就定论 [ yfb ] 于:2010-03-24 06:29:31 复:2796924



            frank Olson 被杀的事,当然定论了,你在这个问题上没搞清楚,不承认,那么你的逻辑理解力需要提高。这是很关键的一点,其他的你就象[虎王2006]下面的评论,和你讨论,很浪费我的时间。


            A California history professor, Kathryn Olmstead, has discovered documents at the Gerald Ford library which were written by Cheney and Rumsfeld.

            They show how far the White House went to conceal information about Olson's death — and his role in preparing anthrax and other biological weapons. .

            Cheney and Rumsfeld were given the task of covering up the details of Frank Olson's death. At the time, Rumsfeld was White House Chief of Staff to President Gerald Ford. Dick Cheney was a senior White House assistant.

            The documents uncovered by Professor Olmstead include one that states "Dr Olson's job was so sensitive that it is highly unlikely that we would submit relevant evidence".

            In another memo, Cheney acknowledges that "the Olson lawyers will seek to explore all the circumstances of Dr Olson's employment, as well as those concerning his death. In any trial, it may become apparent that we are concealing evidence for national security reasons and any settlement or judgement reached thereafter could be perceived as money paid to cover up the activities of the CIA".

            Frank Olson's family received US$750,000 to settle their claims against the US government.


            Unfortunately, the U.S. government and military have experimented on U.S. soldiers and civilians without their informed consent or knowledge on a number of occasions since 1945 and when caught or exposed, have gone into elaborate cover-up operations.

            The New York Times (11/19/92) wrote in an article entitled: "Canada to Pay the Victims of Mind-Altering Treatment": Canada has agreed to compensate victims of psychiatric experiments carried out mainly in the 1950s and financed in part by the Central Intelligence Agency.

            The experiments began after some prisoners returned from the Korean War brainwashed, and Western intelligence agencies began studies and experiments on the nature and possibility of mind control.

            John Marks, a former State Dept. official whose 1979 book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate", called attention to the experiments, said that a CIA front called the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, funneled more than $60,000 to Dr. Cameron for the studies. Ottawa gave him more than $200,000.

            The 11/7/88 New York Times carried an article entitled, "The CIA and the Evil Doctor", which wrote: The Justice Department agreed last month to pay $750,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by nine victims of the Central Intelligence Agency's brainwashing experiments in the 1950s. The research was conducted by the late Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, one of the most famous psychiatrists of his time.

            What caught the Central Intelligence Agency's eye was his comparison of 'psychic driving' to techniques of coerced interrogation and brainwashing. Using one its front organizations, the agency solicited a grant application from Dr. Cameron and funded his work. With the CIA funds, Dr. Cameron continued his experiments. Using patients who came to him for psychiatric treatment, but without disclosing that he was experimenting, he tried to break through patients' resistance to the taped messages.

            To this end, he induced severe regression in the patients, using combinations of extremely intensive electric shock, barbiturate-induced sleep for up to 60 days at a stretch, sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic drugs. These techniques left patients dazed, confused, incontinent and often in a state of utter panic. The CIA funding was secret.

            The relief bill for Thornwell would provide $1.7 million, more than twice as much as the $750,000 award made in 1976 to the family of Frank R. Olson. Olson, a civilian biochemist who worked for the Army at Fort Detrick, MD, jumped to his death in 1953 after CIA agents laced his drink with LSD.

            Members of Olson's family, who live in Frederick, MD, did not learn until 1975 that he had been drugged. They later received a $750,000 settlement from the government.

            Olson plunged from a room at the Hotel Statler on Nov. 28, 1953, nine days after the CIA gave him LSD without his knowledge. The experiment was part of a CIA program known as MK-ULTRA to study the effects of LSA and other drugs for intelligence and military purposes.

            After learning he was given the mind-bending drug, Olson sank into a paranoid depression. He told his Army superiors he wanted to quit his job as one of the nation's top germ-warfare scientists, and his family now says they believe he was slain because he had become a security risk.




            When the prisoners of war who had made these confessions returned from Korea in the summer of 1953, they were interrogated by the Artichoke team, which had announced its eagerness to do so weeks in advance. In a memorandum to the top leadership of the CIA, the team said it wanted to use those “who have been exposed to and accepted in varying degrees Communist indoctrination ... as unique research material in the Artichoke work.”

            Among other things, hypnosis, anaesthetics and LSD were to be used on the former POWs. In this way, Artichoke hoped to gain insight into the enemy’s interrogation methods and to make sure that the returned soldiers did not work for the other side.

            German documentary charges US used biological weapons in Korean War



            本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
            • 家园 我已经明白了,这其实是逻辑的辩论,这样回不回答重要吗?
            • 家园 呵呵, 上次是某人挂免战牌,这次是整个论坛挂免战牌了?

              我早就说了, 每次上来都会碰到一点很有喜感的人和事,当然,这次也不例外哦?


              我问你那些去了中国的美国战俘后来回去有没有被打成叛国罪怎么不敢回答啊? 是不知道还是说不出口啊?

              呵呵,那个frank Olson的儿子不是手握确凿证据吗? 不是连拉姆斯菲尔德和切尼都牵扯进来了吗? 怎么就要了区区75万美元就撒手了啊? 居然杀父之仇都不报?不把这些恶贯满盈的罪犯绳之以法? 人家那几个回来的美国战俘官司可是打到最高法院的哦? 跟你讲。


              第一, 美帝到底在朝鲜是怎么使用宣传弹散布鼠疫炭疽之类的烈性传染病的?

              第二, 一方面已经大规模使用,空军陆军海军陆战队轮番上阵,前后知情者众多,另一方面五十多年过去,这些人里面居然没有人站出来踢爆这个惊天罪行?仅是一个怕杀人灭口能解释的了的? 或者从另一方面来看既然是如此秘密,都要到杀人灭口的程度,为什么一开始摊子铺的那么大?

              第三, 美帝为何在冬季发动细菌战? 投点下来就冻死的苍蝇有意义吗?

              第四, 当初中朝方面不是也大肆宣扬美帝使用毒气吗? 这又是怎么回事啊?


              • 家园 【挂免战牌?还整个论坛挂免战牌了?又发挥想象力和意淫了】



                1.我问你那些去了中国的美国战俘后来回去有没有被打成叛国罪怎么不敢回答啊? 是不知道还是说不出口啊?



                当中朝公开美俘的供词时,美方相当震惊,为了掩盖真相,便在国际上和对美国民众大肆宣称:美国没有使用细菌武器,中朝方的指控是propaganda “政治谎言”,那些被俘的飞行员一定全部被“Red China”洗脑了(have been “brainwashed”)。私下里用军事法庭的惩罚和“叛国罪”威胁曾招供的军人军官,迫使他们再翻供,并让Col. Walker F. Mahurin做为“germ warfare confess”的代表出来讲话,说他们是被中朝威逼和洗脑才做“假招供”的。

                When the prisoners of war who had made these confessions returned from Korea in the summer of 1953, they were interrogated by the Artichoke team, which had announced its eagerness to do so weeks in advance. In a memorandum to the top leadership of the CIA, the team said it wanted to use those “who have been exposed to and accepted in varying degrees Communist indoctrination ... as unique research material in the Artichoke work.”

                Among other things, hypnosis, anaesthetics and LSD were to be used on the former POWs. In this way, Artichoke hoped to gain insight into the enemy’s interrogation methods and to make sure that the returned soldiers did not work for the other side.

                2.呵呵,那个frank Olson的儿子不是手握确凿证据吗? 不是连拉姆斯菲尔德和切尼都牵扯进来了吗? 怎么就要了区区75万美元就撒手了啊? 居然杀父之仇都不报?不把这些恶贯满盈的罪犯绳之以法?

                你记录片看了吗?还有看了我的回帖,居然问出这个问题,啥脑子? 这是美方为了不让他告政府,以免彻底调查这个案子,不然最高机密就会被暴露,才付钱给Olson家庭。 美国政府不心虚,为何付钱啊???



                这里有frank olson project的网站,自己看一下,还有问题的话,就是再一次证明你的无聊,逻辑有问题




                人家那几个回来的美国战俘官司可是打到最高法院的哦? 跟你讲。






                第一, 美帝到底在朝鲜是怎么使用宣传弹散布鼠疫炭疽之类的烈性传染病的



















                第二, 一方面已经大规模使用,空军陆军海军陆战队轮番上阵,前后知情者众多,另一方面五十多年过去,这些人里面居然没有人站出来踢爆这个惊天罪行?仅是一个怕杀人灭口能解释的了的? 或者从另一方面来看既然是如此秘密,都要到杀人灭口的程度,为什么一开始摊子铺的那么大?

                这个上面其实已经回复了。还有,就算他们出来说,美国不是说美俘被洗脑了吗。。。再说了,纪录片《肮脏的小秘密》里采访了当时的美俘Kenneth L. Enoch,后来回美国翻供,说是因为受到中国的逼迫和洗脑才made False confession的。在纪录片采访中又说中方没有逼迫他和给他洗脑。



                第三, 美帝为何在冬季发动细菌战? 投点下来就冻死的苍蝇有意义吗?


                其他的问题不是早就回答了吗? 早就说过美军是做实验了




                第四, 当初中朝方面不是也大肆宣扬美帝使用毒气吗? 这又是怎么回事啊?



                Fort Detrick, Md., was created in the middle of World War II and became the center for America's biological warfare efforts. But that role shifted in 1969, the government says, to focus solely on defense against the threat of biological weapons.

                Then called Detrick Air Field, the science and research facility housed four biological agent production plants.

                Anthrax was considered the most important agent. Simulants were tested, and one bomb was readied for production in 1944. One million bombs were ordered, though the order was canceled when the war ended in 1945.

                During the 1950s, the biological weapons program was among the most classified within the Pentagon. There was an emphasis on biological agents for use against enemy forces as well as plants and animals.

                The Army says no biological weapons were used during the Korean War, though such allegations were made by the Chinese and the Koreans.

                Growing Protests

                One plan at Fort Detrick in the late 1950s was to use the yellow fever virus against an enemy by releasing infected mosquitoes by airplane or helicopter. Detrick's labs were capable of producing a half-million mosquitoes per month, with plans for up to 130 million per month.



                In 1950 the U.S. government, concurrent with the growing tensions of the early Cold War, and especially the outbreak of the Korean War, secretly launched a heavily funded and far-ranging crash program in biological warfare. Gas warfare development expanded at an equal pace, especially work with nerve gas. Sarin was standardized in 1951, but emphasis shifted in 1953 to the more potent V-series

                nerve gases first developed by the British. VX was standardized in 1957, though a standardized delivery system was not developed.

                But biological warfare had a higher priority than chemical: indeed, the biological warfare crash program introduced in 1950 shared highest-level priority with atomic warfare. The primary objective for biological weapons was to acquire an early operational capability within the emergency war plan for general war against the Soviet

                Union and China.

                By the time of the Korean War, an agent and bomb were standardized both for anticrop and antipersonnel use while research and development went forward with a broad range of agents and delivery systems.

                In the post–Korean War period many agents and several delivery systems were standardized, one of the more interesting being the standardization in 1959 of yellow fever carried by mosquito vectors. Further, the U.S. government secretly took over the Japanese biological warfare program, acquiring records of experiments with live subjects that killed at least 10,000 prisoners of war, some probably American. In exchange, the perpetrators of the Japanese program were spared prosecution as war criminals.

                Another indication of the priority of biological warfare was the adoption in

                early 1952 of a secret first-use strategy. U.S. military strategists and civilian policymakers took advantage of ambiguities in government policy to

                allow the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to put a secret offensive strategy in place. Though the United States reaffirmed World War II retaliation-only policy for gas warfare in 1950, the JCS after some debate decided that it did not by implication apply to biological warfare. They concluded there was no government policy on such weapons, and the Defense Department concurred. Consequently the JCS sent directives to the services making first-use strategy operational doctrine, subject to presidential approval. During the Korean War, the United States also created a deeply buried infrastructure for covert biological warfare in the Far East.

                Data from the Chinese archives for the Korean War, corroborated by evidence from the U.S. and Canadian archives, builds a strong case for the United States experimenting with biological weapons during the Korean War. The issue remains controversial in the face of U.S. government denial. In 1956 the United States brought policy into line with strategic doctrine by adopting an official first-use offensive policy for biological warfare subject to presidential approval.

                来源: Nature First USA - Journal-Chemical and Biological Warfare


                A third crucial document – marked “Top Secret” – showed that in September 1951, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff issued orders to begin “large scale field tests… to determine the effectiveness of specific BW [bacteriological warfare] agents under operational conditions.”

                If these “field tests” were indeed undertaken, then they may have drawn again on the expertise of the Japanese biological warfare team.




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