
主题:美军朝鲜战争中生物武器库一览(一) -- 石千里

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                    • 家园 你自己从来没仔细看别人的回覆




                      我这帖子里讨论 JCS 1837/26 问题,对於这半岛电视台认为此文件在1951年9月启动细菌战(也就是你剪贴後论证一大堆,说时间吻合的东东),用文忠志自己的文章,提出了时间性的质疑,其实也是在打文忠志自己的脸,因为他自己根本没考虑到这个时间性的东西。



                      请问思炎哪里有这份JCS 1837/26 文件可以叁考?很多东西必须要眼见为实,因为太多这种阴谋论的东西都是跳跃式的结论。


                      因为找不到这个文件,只能找找索引。就从google 上找到的注解资料,JCS 1837/26 文件全名应该是

                      "Biological Warfare: Memorandum by the Joint Advanced Study Committee for the Joint Chiefs of Staff", 21 September 191, JCS 1837/26

                      根据文志忠一篇文章,JCS 在1952年2月25-26日批准此文件,文号应是JCS 1837/29 (见注48)



                      第一,这 1837/26 应该是 JASC 就生物战做的研究报告,虽然在1951年9月21日提交,但这并不是命令。为什麽您引用的文字作者要称这是在1951年9月 JCS 的命令?

                      第二,根据文志忠自己在上面文章引述的,JCS在1952年2月批准这份文件,真正的批令是1952年2月的 1837/29。但是批准的是什麽,再用文志忠自己的话:

                      In February 1952 when the joint chiefs approved the principle recommendations of its Joint Advanced Study Committee on Biological Warfare, 'that the United States acquire a strong offensive BW capability without delay,' and that, 'a sound military program requires the development of all effective means of waging war without regard for precedent as to their use,' it also approved a recommendation for, 'the adoption of a positive military policy to the effect that the United States will be prepared to employ BW whenever it is militarily advantageous.' The joint chiefs of staff ordered their staffs 'to prepare directives to the Services' to implement their decision.

                      这是什麽意思?也就是在2月底 JCS 要他们幕僚准备给各军种下有关对生物战做准备的指令。这里代表美国军方开始对生物战进行比较具规模的准备,但这跟生物武器有没有具体足够规模去使用,有没有真的使用无关。


                      • 家园 你又一次看文章只看一段,文件上显示的批准日期

                        并不就代表,美军没有go ahead with the plan。 并不代表没有行动,最终是看事实的证据。

                        而且,你确定你看了全文吗?文志忠可也说了plausible deniability,我想你英语这么好,不用我解释了吧?

                        All the while the US government and its Central Intelligence Agency were operating under the guidance of a doctrine known as plausible deniability. Adopted by the National Security Council in 1948, this doctrine, in the words of CIA chief William E. Colby, meant that if the United States could deny something and not be clearly demonstrated as having said something falsely, then the United States could do so. (10) In other words certain United States government personnel and institutions could lie and cheat, do unpalatable, illegal or immoral things provided they could deny them successfully and not have the government tagged for them. Given these official guidelines is there any reason to be surprised that a secret offensive biological warfare project would, if necessary, become part of a carefully constructed and tangled web of disinformation and deceits?




                        The disappointment expressed by the U.S. military leadership in the progress of their biological warfare program by 1953 is consistent with Chinese reports of the results of what they took to be an experimental use of biological weapons in China and Korea. The experiments were unsuccessful in starting large-scale epidemics in the battle zone or along the enemy's transportation lines. The official Chinese history of the Korean War states that the Chinese army suffered less than 400 casualties from the biological weapons attacks in 1952. This report, if accurate, tends to confirm the American feelings of disappointment with their efforts. Chinese accounts give many examples of civilian casualties as the result of what were considered to be germ war attacks on the general populace but no over-all figures.

                        While American scientists and military engineers had been unable to achieve a lethal, easily disseminated, epidemic producing germ agent for use in battlefield conditions, the evidence suggests that for over one and a half years the US tried to do just that and still denies it. This is a black hole in US military history.


                        • 家园 拜托一下行不行

                          美军是无纪律、无组织的乱民是吧?在 JCS 命令批准之前,他们就能自己乱花经费、调派人员,开始大规模地生产准备训练是吧?还什麽 go ahead with plan?







                          "The authors acknowledge that after 20 years of research they have failed to turn up a single document in American archives that provides direct evidence for their claim. They therefore build a circumstantial case that relies heavily on documents provided by the North Koreans and the Chinese. In fact, the authors reproduce some of the nine Chinese photographs and captions, but they make no mention of the article in The Times, even though their bibliography cites a standard reference work by Milton Leitenberg that discusses the forgeries, mentions the experts by name and summarizes their conclusions. This is appalling.

                          "Carl Sagan used to say that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The evidence Endicott and Hagerman present for their extraordinarily dubious claim is notable only for its weakness. The Chinese and North Koreans themselves had the means, motive and opportunity to fabricate evidence, and were known to rewrite history for propaganda purposes. Any plausible defense of the claim that the Americans were guilty of biological warfare in the Korean conflict must address the question of fabricated evidence. Endicott and Hagerman do not even raise it. If theirs is the best case that can be made for American germ warfare activities in China and Korea, it amounts to a dismissal of the charges and an exoneration of the accused."




                          还有,我原来上面的答覆是在4月6日,最早的几个帖子之一。针对您资料里的最重要资料之一(文忠志和半岛电视台 the crucial third document)的质疑,本来就是切入重点的问题,您当时避而不答,要我回去看整个系列。




                          • 家园 拜托你自己吧,yfb就是看了你那个回复,引出虚拟语气大论



                            1. 贴一下yfb提供的文件的一部分





                            这完全是yfb的错误理解,第七条是这么写的:"If low production costs of BW agents can be realized, a partial solution may be offered to the acute need of maintaining a strong military posturefor long period without jeopardizing our economic structure. Further, the achievement of a BW capability may not compete with the procurement of our present weapons systems."可见这里没用任何虚拟语气,yfb需要重学英语语法。这样就表明撰写者们对降低生物武器成本很自信,并为决策者们展示了美好的前景"可以长期保持军事上的优势而不妨碍经济发展",这与yfb的错误理解差了几亿光年。

                            如果yfb把前面几页一并贴出的话,我们就可以看到撰写者们是如何得到这些conclusions的,或许能直接证实美国用过细菌武器。而这一页上的几条只能显示美国可能用过生物武器,例如最上面的一条"3. BW poessesses a great potential as a weapon of war"(生物武器具有巨大的实战潜能),"5. A more vigorous test program including large scale field tests should be conducted to determine the effectiveness of specific BW agents under operational conditions"(more表明他们已经做过类似的工作了,但还不够vigorous)。



                            A third crucial document – marked “Top Secret” – showed that in September 1951, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff issued orders to begin “large scale field tests… to determine the effectiveness of specific BW [bacteriological warfare] agents under operational conditions.”

                            If these “field tests” were indeed undertaken, then they may have drawn again on the expertise of the Japanese biological warfare team.




                            而纪录片《肮脏的小秘密》也进一步证实了:前日军731人员证实了美国征调前日军“731部队”及“100”细菌部队罪恶累累的战犯及成员参与了朝鲜战争细菌战。其中包括, Shiro Ishii、Kitano Misaji、Colonel Ohta等。








                            而你看过吗?你是不是故意不提啊。。。那好。。。我是不会一次次为你这种纯搅活的浪费时间和精力的, 我这里给你贴出来文忠志的论证过程,您的不是英语很好吗?有种你自己给大家翻译出来,然后一一反驳(用你自己说的话,请不要跳跃哦)。


                            The first episode concerns OPERATION TAKEOFF of President Truman's Psychological Strategy Board. This board had four contingency plans for the developing situation in Korea, and two of them incorporated 'novel weapons'. OPERATION TAKEOFF (renamed BROADBRIM) was to deal with a possible breakdown of the armistice negotiations that had begun on 27 July 1951, while OPERATION HUMMER (renamed AFFILIATE) was directed primarily to the period after a successful ceasefire negotiation, and was a plan to pressure the enemy during the political talks for a peace treaty to end the war. The second contingency never occurred, but the first did.

                            The negotiations for a ceasefire in Korea showed signs of breaking down shortly after they began, and were in fact suspended from 23 August until 25 October 1951. The Psychological Strategy Board [PSB] hurriedly approved TAKEOFF on 18 September 1951.(27) There are signs in the still heavily censored versions of the plan that TAKEOFF, which the head of the PSB signalled was to be handled on a 'need to know' basis, and which was framed on the basis of 'plausible deniability.' had some highly unusual aspects in support of 'the political, economic and military courses of action as planned for this eventuality that went far beyond a proposed leaflet drop on China. Collateral documents reveal the secretary of defence complaining about one of the annexes to the plan, having such military and political implications and demanding planning of such magnitude, that it should be more thoroughly considered by the PSB before being handed over for action. (28)

                            At the meeting for what was described as the covert implementation of Takeoff,on 3 October 1951, the service personnel were hesitant, even a little suspicious. Army General John Magruder confessed that he had delayed forwarding the plan to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Although the documents carried a memo saying that it was an approved plan, the representative of the Pentagon wanted to know why there was no formal indication of this fact on the plan itself. Why was there no box carrying the facsimile signature of the person in authority? Why was there no indication that the plan was a numbered paper in the series of PSB formal papers?' After receiving assurances, General Magruder indicated to the meeting that he would 'probably forward the plan for action tomorrow.' (29) An uneasiness, an air of reluctance, was clearly evident.

                            Four days later, in accordance with 'an oral directive,' three Army colonels left Washington for a top secret trip to see General Ridgway, commander-in-chief of the Far East Command in Tokyo. (30) We do not know whether this trip was part of TAKEOFF. Perhaps it was a chance event. But in another coincidence, when US Air Force Colonel Andrew J. Evans, Jr., who had previously worked in the War Plans Division, was shot down by the Chinese in 1953, he told his captors that planning for the BW campaign in Korea had begun in October 1951. His statement was corroborated by another high ranking POW, Colonel Frank H. Schwable, chief of staff of the Marine air wing when he was shot down in Korea, who added that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had sent [their] directive by hand to General Ridgway in October 1951, ordering the initiation of bacteriological warfare in Korea on an initially small, experimental stage but in expanding proportions

                            The second episode concerns the dual role of the air force's Psychological Warfare Division as both responsible for propagandistic leaflet drops and for biological warfare planning and operations. This dual role requires historians to check any evidence appearing in US operations orders that the Chinese version of events, based on their direct evidence, may be the correct one, and that corroborates the information in the confessions of captured US flyers.(36) Very few air force operations orders for the Korean War have come to light. But those that have raise questions about some B-26 missions. On May 19 through May 23, for example, the operations orders dispatched thirty B-26 aircraft on armed reconnaissance night flights to designated areas of western North Korea to hunt and destroy vehicles and rolling stock. In each case one flight of four bombers was directed to a particular place where a railway bridge or short piece of the railroad had been attacked all day by fighter bombers. Late at night the four B-26s added their ten tons of high explosives to ensure the rail cut. The after-mission reports show that the bombardier of the last aircraft dropped two leaflet bombs labeled M-105 at the very end of the attack. (37) This bombing pattern fits well with that described by the Chinese following their interrogation of captured flyers Kenneth Enoch and John Quinn.

                            The Chinese claimed that germ attacks were carried out by the B-26s as part of regular bombing raids, and that the germ-infected feathers or insects came in 500-pound-size leaflet bombs labelled M-105. Their prisoners told them that these bombs were reported as duds or as having no visual results owing to darkness. The purpose of these attacks was to contaminate the bombed area and disrupt the work of repair crews trying to restore the rail line bringing supplies from China into North Korea. The Chinese claim is not inconsistent with our knowledge that the US leaflet bomb had in fact been adapted and standardized as a biological anti-crop bomb, and was also considered as an anti-personnel biological weapon against the supplies and equipment of the military supply system of enemy troops.

                            In the wake of our book the Historical Office of the Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio has published an historical study, 'Weapons of the U.S. Air Force: a selective listing, 1960-2000,' which lists the M105 as a biological bomb. Taking into account the evidence and analysis of our book this source confirms the link between the US Air Force biological ordinance, its use as recorded in the after-mission reports of the US Fifth Air Force in Korea and what the Chinese and North Koreans thought was happening to them on the ground via the M105 bomb. (38)

                            After the Chinese allegations gained world-wide attention, members of the 3rd Bomb Wing were questioned by the US Air Forces Office of Special Investigations to clear the air force of the charges. Colonel William G. Moore, commanding officer of the 3rd Bomb Wing from January to November 1952, signed a sworn statement declaring that while the allegations of germ warfare were entirely false, his flyers did fly leaflet missions, the purpose of which was to warn non-combatants in the areas adjacent to military targets that those targets were subject to attacks by USAF, thus enabling civilian personnel to avail themselves of an opportunity to escape injury and fatalities.

                            The appropriate time for humanitarian warnings to the villagers along the railway tracks would have been before and not after 100, 000 pounds of bombs dropped by thirty-six F-84 fighter bombers beginning in early morning and the loads of four B-26s late in the evening. Warning for the next time would ring rather hollow, since the cycle of bombing on these targets was weeks apart. Moreover, considering that millions of leaflets with humanitarian messages were being dropped by non-combat aircraft on a daily basis, one may question the purpose of this tiny offering from the leaflet bombs of the B-26s. The Chinese allegations of biological agents dropped in this fashion and in this combination can no longer be dismissed, since detailed evidence from both the US and Chinese archives show that they were quite feasible, they were in line with US capability for covert warfare and that they happened.

                            These two episodes support the charges made in February-March 1952 by China and North Korea that the United States was employing biological agents



                          • 家园 难道文说得没道理么?


                            另外,我从你和yfb的帖子里能看出你们还知道很多我们曾经并不知道的事,但显然二位不打算告诉我们那到底是咋回事。最后如果你觉得你有这个能力,请提供你认为Name Code Artichoke和肮脏的小秘密不能支持美国朝鲜战争中使用生物武器的证据。

        • 家园 看看,又开始扯上了。




          我本来希望你和yfb能自己收集整理一些资料来讨论,不过我不认为你们两个有那个能力和那份心态比北明和Milton Leitenberg做得更好,我有时间去“破”你们制造的垃圾,还不如直接去和他们的东西较劲。

          • 家园 对战沙的筒子们要求不要太高了,呵呵
          • 家园 关于政大的



            編號: A199605006

            篇名: 戰後日本生物化學部隊如何逃避東京大審

            How Japanese Biochemical Crops Escaped from the Tokyo Trial After the War

            作者: 藤井志津枝 Fujii Shizue

            刊名: 國立政治大學學報

            期數: V.72 part 1

            頁次: 33(P.151-183)

            出版日期: 1996.05

            類別: 人文學科類

            pdf全文: (電子全文限校內瀏覽)



























    • 家园 1952年美国已经能够分离汉他病毒并有办法散布?




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