
主题:【原创】印度崛起:神话与现实 -- 晨枫

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    • 家园 印度版刘晓波:把印度租给中国200年


      Don’t blame democracy for bad governance

      This is a week when I feel especially hopeless about India’s future. A week in China has caused this gloomy mood. I have just returned from the World Economic Forum’s ‘Summer Davos’ in the city of Tianjin. I had not heard of Tianjin till two weeks ago and, because I was told that it was near Beijing, expected an obscure dormitory town. So when I found myself in a magnificent, modern city of shiny skyscrapers, spectacular bridges and fine boulevards, I was stunned. Even more so when I heard that the city has been built in the past decade and then I found myself reduced to speechless wonder when I heard that Tianjin’s amazing, futuristic Convention Centre took just nine months to build. There were Indian officials and businessmen at the meeting whose mouths fell open when they heard.


      We chattered amongst ourselves in Hindi about why such a Convention Centre would take ten years to build in India and agreed that it could be because democratic processes take longer than totalitarian ones. Then we went to Tianjin railway station to take the high speed train to Beijing and we stopped making excuses for the Motherland. Tianjin railway station looks like Delhi’s new international airport and the train that covered the 130 kilometres to Beijing in thirty minutes is faster and more modern than any I have ever been on. When we got to Beijing, the Indians I was with, were as angry as I was at how far India had been left behind by a country that till the seventies was at least twenty years behind us.



      Meanwhile, the country from which our Lefties, Liberals and Maoists get inspiration, has moved with spectacular success towards a market economy. When I twittered about this, someone twittered back that perhaps we should lease India to the Chinese for the next 200 years. It might come to that if

      we do not buck up.




      本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
      • 家园 经济决定政治


      • 家园 哦耶,终于知道常凯申是怎么拼写的了。

        By: Huo | 28-Sep-2010

        I agree absolutely with Dr. Srinvasan that "Democracy is not just elections and free speech". In Taiwan they have too much elections and free speech. Every year there is an election in Taiwan and the politicians spend half of the time in campaigning. Taiwan became prosperous after the authoritative rule of the Chiang Kai Shek and his son but started to decline after following democracy. The two main parties became polarised and spent all their time in "saliva wars". The Taiwanese are pretty educated and yet democacy does not work. In contrast, their Mainland brother is doing much better despite the fact that it is much poorer and has much more problems.


      • 家园 是印度自己学艺不精,上了卖拐的当


        民主当然是要好领导的。选举制度第一目的就是选领导者,制衡属于并列目的。选能人这个并列的目的经常被偏废,搞得选举制似乎就是为了隔4年整个啥也做不了的人上去坐椅子。让领导做不了坏事很重要,更重要的前提是要选能做事的领导。美国人讲选领导要选有领导魅力的、有continental reputation的,因为领导者要有momentum,连吓带哄要能赶得动官僚机构、国会这群羊;领导要有distinguished record of service to the republic,不然选个不会做事的我们瞎折腾什么?


        • 家园 其实选举对选民的素质和经济发展要求非常高



          • 家园 同意



          • 家园 追溯到古希腊



          • 家园 追溯到古希腊



        • 家园 "The tree of liberty must

          be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." by Thomas Jefferson

          "Patriotism is a vicious virtue"-by Oscar Wilde

          From 《The Rock》


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