
主题:【原创】印度崛起:神话与现实 -- 晨枫

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      • 家园 这个印度哥们的回帖很精准


        Democracy as an excuse By: Keith |

        Thursday , 23 Sep '10 7:20:10 AM Reply | Forward

        Sad fact is that India does use democracy as an excuse. Indians look at China and say she has abused her populous and forced them to build the shiny cities, something that India cannot do due to the rule of law and democracy. Strange how India was able to evite 140,000 poor families to make space for the Commonwealth games despite democracy and rule of law. The difference between China and India is less about the government system, its not about authoritarian or democracy. The real difference is that the Chinese government is pragmatic and has thrown ideology out the window. What on earth can be more incompatible than communism and capitalism working side by side? Indians claim they have the advantage of democracy. This is my prediction, the chinese government is pragmatic enough to adopt democracy if and when it suits them. Where will India's advantage lie then?



        Democracy a farce/ it is feudalism a la carteBy: Dr.G.Srinivasan | Sunday , 26 Sep '10 10:57:54 AM Reply |

        Absolutely right!!! We do have a feudal setup where we either elect Indira gandhi rajiv gandhi sonia gandhi and Rahul our leaders. A dmaned feudal setup !!!! Now to top it we have an appointed PM for two terms of or whom none of the indians cast a single vote in any election!!! The wings of democracy the legioslatur the judiciary and the executive the office of the PM, president the CBI the CVC and the CEC everything ids under the control of AICC chairperson.Do we call it democracy?




        • 家园 西霉把这种情形美其名曰为


          We do have a feudal setup where we either elect Indira gandhi rajiv gandhi sonia gandhi and Rahul our leaders.


        • 家园 这儿也有篇印度人的反思。




    • 家园 一个去过印度的人的现身说法



      偶是两三年前出差的印度一个据说是前几名的一个大城市。偶还没到印度,在飞机上调整手表时才第一次知道原来有些地方时差居然不是整点数的,而是有半个小时时差。非常惊奇--偶还是第一去这种地方。飞机到了以后,觉得走到了三十年多前国内某大中城市的火车站。回去的时候才知道,该机场好象只有一个侯机厅。第一眼看到的有印象的文字就是:Incredible India。的确是非常的Incredible。





      【 在 tsingyuan (空空道人) 的大作中提到: 】

      : 你去过印度?

      : 写篇文章讲讲啊

    • 家园 德里快讯:南非官员发现运动员房间里有蛇!


      说是选手住宅里面有蛇: http://tinyurl.com/2gxpgas

      Snake in athlete's room at Games village, claims SA envoy

      NEW DELHI: There seems to be no end to the problems confronting the organisers of the Commonwealth Games with the South African envoy claiming that a snake was found in an athlete's room in the village.

      A snake was found in a room in the residential tower, earmarked for the South African athletes, who have not arrived yet, High Commissioner Harris Mbulelo Mejeke told reporters.

      "We can't go and stay till things are fixed up. We have very grave concerns. If snakes are found we can't ask our teams to stay there. Yesterday we found a snake but I don't know whether it was an Indian snake. But it was there in one of our rooms," Mejeke said before entering the village.

      "That was a threat to the lives of our athletes. Very disappointing. Basically, the basement was full of water and the staircase was also damp," he said.

      On being asked if he brought the matter to the notice of the organisers, he said, "We had someone with us. They have promised us, everything will be all right. I will go and check whether the promise has been kept," he said.

      However, the South African envoy said there team will not withdraw from the controversy-marred event.

      "The teams are coming and we are still part of the Commonwealth Games. When everything will be done we will call our teams," Mjeke said.

      The village has already been sharply criticised for the unhygienic conditions and now the sensational claim would bring more bad publicity to the event.

      • 家园 三哥的评论很有意思。


        Siddharth (New Delhi)

        26 Sep, 2010 10:27 PM

        Quick blame Pakistan and the ISI for this! it always works the rest of the time


        murali (chennai)

        26 Sep, 2010 09:13 PM

        Throw that snake on our politicians.


        Mahagandoo (USA)

        26 Sep, 2010 08:48 PM

        Just pay the Indian Snake Ten Dollars and it will go away


        Rakesh (Ahmedabad)

        26 Sep, 2010 08:18 PM

        Surprising to see kallus complaining about snakes. There are no snakes in south africa or what? Anyway must be better than south africa slum


        Vijay (delhi)

        26 Sep, 2010 08:11 PM

        Thank God, dinosaurs are extinct.


        C Suresh (Charlotte, USA)

        26 Sep, 2010 08:08 PM

        I work in USA and I have seen many snakes in my office corridors. Most of the todays land is due to removal for forests. This is just another one. Surprised world papers making a big fuss out of this. Our Government should give better responses for the problems.


        ss rathore (visakhapatnam)

        26 Sep, 2010 07:52 PM

        there is nothing to fear as that snake is our indian logo for commonwealth. it will be worn around kalmadi's neck on the opening ceremony.


    • 家园 广州日报挤兑三哥








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